
0.1.3 • Public • Published

Vue2 Wheel Picker

A vue2.x based development, similar to the ios wheel style selection mobile plug-in, currently support time selection, single choice, multiple choice


  • by npm
$ npm install vue2-wheel-picker
  • by yarn
$ yarn add vue2-wheel-picker

Online Demo

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shots_datepicker shots_picker


Global Config

import Vue from 'vue'
import wheelpicker from 'vue2-wheel-picker'

This plug-in automatically injects $wheelPicker Object and registers global components, including wheelPicker and wheelDatepicker.

Component Config

import { WheelPicker, WheelDatepicker } from 'vue2-wheel-picker/picker' 
export default {
  components: {
    'wheel-picker': WheelPicker,
    'wheel-datepicker': WheelDatepicker

WheelPicker Properties

<wheel-picker v-model="pickerShow" :listData="list" :listValue="value" :colLen="2" @change="pickChange" :rowKeys="rowKeys"></wheel-picker>
Property Required Type Default Description
value false Boolean false to display and close the component
listData true Array to display component's content
listValue false Array to initail the component value and get the selected component value
colLen false Number 1 The number of columns displayed by the component
rowKeys false Array Specifies each column object keys
confirmText false String 确定 confirm button text
cancelText false String 取消 cancel button text
confirmColor false String #3db0fc confirm button color(rgb,rgba,hex)
cancelColor false String #888 cancel button color(rgb, rgba, hex)
bottomColor false String #ddd the color of button group bottom line

WheelDatepicker Properties

<wheel-datepicker v-model="datePickerShow" :listValue="dataVal" @change="dateChange"></wheel-datepicker>
Property Required Type Default Description
value false Boolean false to display and close the component
dateValue false String YYYY-MM-DD to initail the component value and get the selected component value, the value format depend on separator
separator false String - Date separator
yearCount false Number 15 The difference between the current year and the beginning year
confirmText false String 确定 confirm button text
cancelText false String 取消 cancel button text
confirmColor false String #3db0fc confirm button color(rgb,rgba,hex)
cancelColor false String #888 cancel button color(rgb, rgba, hex)
bottomColor false String #ddd the color of button group bottom line

Components Methods

Method params Required Descrpiton
change value false return selected value

API Properties

It can also $wheelPicker Object to display wheelPicker and wheelDatepicker.

  mode: 'date',
  cb (type) {
    console.log('type', type)

Common Properties

Properties Required Type Default Description
mode false String picker display different mode wheel picker
confirmText false String 确定 confirm button text
cancelText false String 取消 cancel button text
confirmColor false String #3db0fc confirm button color(rgb,rgba,hex)
cancelColor false String #888 cancel button color(rgb, rgba, hex)
bottomColor false String #ddd the color of button group bottom line

Date Mode Properties

Properties Required Type Default Description
dateValue false String YYYY-MM-DD to initail the component value and get the selected component value, the value format depend on separator
separator false String - Date separator
yearCount false Number 15 The difference between the current year and the beginning year

Picker Mode Properties

Properties Required Type Default Description
listData true Array to display component's content
listValue false Array to initail the component value and get the selected component value
colLen false Number 1 The number of columns displayed by the component
rowKeys false Array Specifies each column object keys

Api Methods

Method params Required Descrpiton
cb value false return selected value


Single String Picker

export default {
  data () {
    return {
      listData: ['orange', 'apple', 'banana'],
      listValue: ['apple']
  mounted () {
      listData: this.listData,
      listValue: this.listValue,
      cb (value) {
        console.log('picker value:>>', value)

Multi Object columns Picker

export default {
  data () {
    return {
      listData: [[{'fruit': 'orange'}, {'fruit': 'banana'}], [{'animal': 'dog'}, {'animal': 'cat'}]],
      listValue: ['orange', 'cat']
  mounted () {
      listData: this.listData,
      listValue: this.listValue,
      colLen: this.listData.length,
      // when row type is object, rowkeys must not be null
      rowkeys: ['fruit', 'animal'],
      confirmColor: 'red',
      cb (value) {
        console.log('picker value:>>', value)

Date Picker

export default {
  mounted () {
    // when dateValue not set value, the date wheel picker will set current date automatically
      mode: 'date',
      cb (value) {
        console.log('picker value:>>', value)

Using Picker by Component

  <button @click="clickMe">点我选择</button>
  <picker v-model="pickerShow" :listData="list" :listValue="value" @change="pickerChange" :rowKeys="rowKeys"></picker>
import { WheelPicker } from 'vue2-wheel-picker/picker'
export default {
  data () {
    return {
      listData: ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6'],
      listValue: ['1'],
      pickerShow: false
  components: {
    wheelPicker: WheelPicker
  methods: {
    clickMe () {
      this.pickerShow = true
    pickerChange (val) {
      console.log('choose value', val)


  • China City Picker
  • Theme Picker(ios, android...)


MIT License

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  • lenvonsam