
3.1.0 • Public • Published

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A simple list-group based typeahead/autocomplete using Bootstrap 5 and Vue 3

Preview image of the vue-bootstrap-autocomplete component

Getting started


// npm
npm install vue3-bootstrap-autocomplete

// yarn
yarn add vue3-bootstrap-autocomplete


import VueBootstrapAutocomplete from 'vue3-bootstrap-autocomplete';

// Required dependency of bootstrap css/scss files
import 'bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss';

// Global registration
Vue.component('vue-bootstrap-autocomplete', VueBootstrapAutocomplete)

// or

// Local Registration
export default {
  components: {

Basic Usage

The only required props are a v-model and a data array.

  :data="['Canada', 'United States', 'Mexico', 'Netherlands']"



Name type Default Description
append String Text to be appended to the input-group
autoClose Boolean true Whether the autocomplete should hide upon item selection
backgroundVariant String Background color for the autocomplete result list-group items. See values here.
backgroundVariantResolver Function input => null Function which accepts the current list item data and returns a background color for the current autocomplete result list-group item. The non-null/non-empty string value returned from this function will supersede the value specified in backgroundVariant.
data Array Array of data to be available for querying. Required
disabled Boolean false Enable or disable input field
disabledValues Array false The dropdown items to disable.
disableSort Boolean false If set to true, no sorting occurs and the list is presented to the user as it is given to the component. Use this if you sort the list before giving it to the component. Ex: an elasticsearch result being passed to Vue.
highlightClass String vbt-matched-text CSS class to style highlighted text
ieCloseFix Boolean true Adds (imperfect) handling for auto closing the typeahead list on focus out in IE
inputClass String Class to be added to the input tag for validation, etc.
inputName String Name to be added to the input tag.
maxMatches Number 10 Maximum amount of list items to appear.
minMatchingChars Number 2 Minimum matching characters in query before the typeahead list appears
noResultsInfo String No results found. Text to display when no results are found
prepend String Text to be prepended to the input-group
screenReaderTextSerializer Function input => input Function used to convert the entries in the data array into the screen reader text string. Falls back to the value of serializer.
serializer Function input => input Function used to convert the entries in the data array into a text string.
showAllResults Boolean false Show all results even ones that highlighting doesn't match. This is useful when interacting with a API that returns results based on different values than what is displayed. Ex: user searches for "USA" and the service returns "United States of America".
showOnFocus Boolean false Show results as soon as the input gains focus before the user has typed anything.
size String Size of the input-group. Valid values: sm, md, or lg
textVariant String Text color for autocomplete result list-group items. See values here.
state Boolean Whether the autocomplete should be in a valid or invalid state.


Name Description
blur Triggered when the input field loses focus, except when pressing the tab key to focus the dropdown list.
focus Triggered when the input element receives focus.
hit Triggered when an autocomplete item is selected. The entry in the input data array that was selected is returned. If no autocomplete item is selected, the first entry matching the query is selected and returned.
input The component can be used with v-model
keyup Triggered when any keyup event is fired in the input. Often used for catching keyup.enter.
paste Triggered when the user pastes text into the input field.


Prepend / Append

There are prepend and append slots available for adding buttons or other markup. Overrides the prepend and append props.

<vue-bootstrap-autocomplete :data="data" v-model="value">
  <template #prepend>
    <button class="btn btn-primary">Prepend</button>
  <template #append>
    <button class="btn btn-primary">Append</button>

No Results Info

There is a noResultsInfo slot available for customizing the no results info text. Overrides the noResultsInfo fallback content, which is undefined by default.

<vue-bootstrap-autocomplete :data="data" v-model="query">
  <template #noResultsInfo>
    <span>No results for <b>{{ query }}</b></span>

Scoped Slot

You can use a scoped slot called suggestion to define custom content for the suggestion list-item's. You can use bound variables data, which holds the data from the input array, and htmlText, which is the highlighted text that is used for the suggestion.

See the custom suggestion slot example for more info.

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  • aeyoll