Vue component compiler by🗻 Unoffical "compiler" for Vue.js components written in a class-based style.
This compiler allows you to write components like so:
// Greeter Vue instance in TypeScript ///
npm install -g vuecc-compiler
for the vuecc
Usage: vuecc input output [['reference']][-t type][-q|--quiet][-c|--no-colors]
input : Class-based component as input (e.g. component.vue.ts)
output : new Vue() formatted component as output (e.g. component.ts)
['reference'] : Reference path include(s) (TypeScript).
-t | --type : Specify language input (coffee, ts, js).
-q | --quiet : Be less verbose (only error output).
-c | --no-colors : Don't use colorful output.
-n | --no-header : Don't generate commented header for output.
-h | --help : Display this usage information and exit.
-v | --version : Display application version and exit.
Using Gulp or Grunt?
This utility should not be confused with https://github.com/vuejs/vue-component-compiler