This package uses or may use at some point in the future ECMAScript 6 features. Use it on a compatible environment or transpile it with Traceur, Closure Compiler, es6-transpiler or equivalent. Please note that some of these have flaws and bugs, test your code carefully until you find a suitable tool for your task.
When cloning this repository, put the folder inside another named "node_modules" in order to avoid potential errors related to npm's dependency handling, and then run npm install
on it.
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vz Collection
Sample usage:
var Collection = collection = result; // Lets add some function calls to the collection // (function,arguments,thisArg)collection;collection; // At this point neither navigator.vibrate nor console.log// where executed result = collection; // With this call we execute both console; // An array with returned values // Now the collection is empty again
Collection object
Creates and initializes a new collection
Adds to the collection the given function, with given arguments and thisArg
Executes functions of the collection in the order they were added, and empties it. Returns an array with the values returned by each of the functions of the collection.