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SVG Map for react


  • install

npm i wafer-map yarn add wafer-map

  • using in react
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import WaferMap from 'wafer-map';

class App extends Component {
     render() {
         const mapProps = {
             mapId: '1',
             componentWidth: 1920,
             componentHeight: 1080
         return (
             <div className="App">
                 <WaferMap {...mapProps}/>

notice: mapId is the only mark on the map.


Prop default value is required description
mapId true map id
componentWidth 1920 false Map the width of containers
componentHeight 1080 false Map the height of containers
background #ddd false Map container background color
visibleElement [] false Displayable collection of element ids
visibleType [] false Displayable collection of element types
visibleState [] false Displayable collection of element states
clickableElement [] false Clickable collection of element ids
clickableType [] false Clickable collection of element types
clickableState [] false Clickable collection of element states
onClick false Radio callback method
onSelect false Multi-select callback method
onClickError false Select the callback method for the exception
mapZoom true false Scale the map
mapMove true false Move the map
multiple false false Multiple switch
noName false false Element names are not displayed on the map.
showPath false false Display roadmap
markId false The element id that needs to be tagged, such as '1'; If multiple, use string array format, such as ['1', '2']
showStateIds [] false Display different states of different elements, data structure:[{id: 1, state: 'XX', color: '#fff', text: ''}, {}]
reloadMap false Reload the map
reloadFinish false Reload the map to complete the callback
touchable false Touch control
deleteId false Delete selected element id
deleteFinish false Callback after deleting selected element
tooltipContent false Display tooltip
elementsColor [] false Set color according to element id, data structure:[{id: 1, color: '#fff'}, {}]
pathStartSvg false Guide start icon, this icon contains only elements inside svg, without svg tags
pathEndSvg false Guide end icon, this icon contains only elements inside svg, without svg tags
pathStyle false Guide leader style, style setting reference svg element attributes
markSvg false Search anchor or mark icon, this icon contains only elements inside svg, without svg tags
selectedSvg false Check icon, this icon contains only elements inside svg, without svg tags
defaultTooltipKey '' You can customize the default key in the bubble, such as orgName
getSvgDom '' Get viewerdom of SVG callback method
signatureKey null false Signature key
restfulSignature false false Controls whether to sign or not, when set to true, the signature key must be set to a valid value
textColor #fff false elements text color
scaleFactorMax 5 false maximum amount of scale a user can zoom in to
scaleFactorMin 0.5 false minimum amount of scale a user can zoom out of
isGenders false false Display male and female outsourcing type avatars before the name of the material
centerEleRate 1 false Set the center material magnification
centerElement {} false Set the central material
clickToCenter {} false If set true when you click element will set it to center and zoom bigger.
windowsTouchSupport false false Whether Windows touch screen is supported.

onClickError Error Code

code description
100 Selected elements that cannot be displayed
101 Selected elements that the ID cannot be selected
102 Selected elements that the types cannot be selected
103 Selected elements that the states cannot be selected
104 Multi-select mode cannot select different types at the same time


name props return description
reloadElements Reload the elements on the map
clearSelectElement Clears the selected set of elements

tooltipContent example of use

tipObj is the object returned by this method

 tooltipContent = (tooltipObj)=>{
    const radius = 5;
    const width = 150;
    const height = 45;
    return (
              d={`M0 0 l10 10 h ${width / 2 - 10 - radius}
          a ${radius} ${radius} 90 0 1 ${radius} ${radius} v ${height}
          a ${radius} ${radius} 90 0 1 ${-radius} ${radius} h ${2 * radius - width}
          a ${radius} ${radius} 90 0 1 ${-radius} ${-radius} v ${-height}
          a ${radius} ${radius} 90 0 1 ${radius} ${-radius} h ${width / 2 - 10 - radius} Z`}

tooltipObj对象需要从 getMapStationList这个方法里获取数据存入contentObj对象,获取完整的对象

 *getMapStationList({ payload }, { call, put, select }) {
      const { locationId } = yield select(state => state.swsCommon);
      const param = payload || { locationId };
      const { info } = yield select(state => state.login);
      if (info && info.tenant_id) {
        param.domainId = info.tenant_id;
      const result = yield call(service.getMapStationList, { payload: param });
      if (result && result.code === 0) {
        const onMapList = [];
        const visibleList = [];
        result.data.forEach(item => {
          if (item && item.elementId) {
              id: item.elementId,
              state: item.statusCode,
              color: item.statusColor,
              text: item.userNames || item.stationNum,
              contentObj: item

        yield put({
          type: 'saveOrUpdateData',
          payload: {
            mapStationList: result.data,
            stationsOnMap: onMapList,



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