
1.0.0 • Public • Published


Query lyrics from Cardi B's 2020 hit song "WAP" in Node.JS.

Basic Usage

$ npm install --save wap.js

$ yarn add wap.js
import wap from 'wap.js'

const myLyric = wap().random() // get a random lyric
const lyricArray = wap().array() // get an array of WAP lyrics

Content Filter

Filter the lyrics for just clean ones. You can also filter for just the filthy ones 👀

Each one returns another wap() object, so you can chain the calls together.

import wap from 'wap.js'

const myLyric = wap()
  .random() // get a random lyric
const lyricArray = wap()
  .array() // get an array of WAP lyrics

Note that filthy() and clean() are inverse operations, so wap().clean().filthy().array() will return empty array.

Length Filter

Filter for maximum and minimum string length. Since chaining filters returns new WAP objects, you can apply them both together to fix your size range.

import wap from 'wap.js'

const myLyric = wap()
  .random() // get a random lyric with 15 characters or fewer
const lyricArray = wap()
  .array() // get an array of WAP lyrics 24 characters or longer

const boundedLyric = wap()
  .random() // get a random lyric between 15 and 24 characters

Note that filthy() and clean() are inverse operations, so wap().clean().filthy().array() will return empty array.

Commmnand Line Usage

If you really want to use this on the command line, you can install it globally.

import wap from 'wap'

const myLyric = wap()
  .random() // get a random lyric with 15 characters or fewer
const lyricArray = wap()
  .array() // get an array of WAP lyrics 24 characters or longer

const boundedLyric = wap()
  .random() // get a random lyric between 15 and 24 characters

Note that filthy() and clean() are inverse operations, so wap().clean().filthy().array() will return empty array.


Thank you for your contribution. Please implement it in TypeScript in the src/ directory. Add unit tests in __tests__/ to make sure it works properly. Submit a pull request on GitHub with a description of your changes.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.


Written by Wilson Hobbs, 2019.




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