Helper methods to create a initial share ledger for a warehouse company using Reguity
npm install warehouse-companies
can be used in a scenario where you want to sell a warehouse company that has
one owner and one sharetype, given the following parameters:
- companyId The id of the company to sell
- sharetypeId The id of the sharetype
- startCapital The amount of share capital that exists from the start
- endCapital The amount of share capital to exist once the new owners have bought it
- startQuantity The amount of shares that exist from the start
- firstShareownerId The id of the initial owner of the first shares
- firstDate The date on which the company was founded
- endDate The date on which the company was sold
shareownerAndQuantityTuples List of objects on the form
{ shareownerId, quantity }
, whereshareownerId
is the id of a new shareowner and quantity is the amount of shares that he/she should receive - firstRefusal Whether first refusal should be set
Scenario: Warehouse company initially has 1000 shares and a share capital of 50000. Two shareowners want to buy it but end up owning 1200 and 1100 shares respectively, with a new share capital of 100000.
This will yeild a initial setup where we say that we initially own the 1000 shares, two transactions where we distribute the 1000 shares proportionaly to the new owners, a new share issue (doesn't change quotient value) and a split (that changes quotient value):
const { createShareLedgerEventsParams } = require('warehouse-companies');
companyId: "42",
sharetypeId: 55,
startCapital: 50000,
endCapital: 100000,
startQuantity: 1000,
firstShareownerId: "1",
firstDate: '2018-01-01T00:00:00.000Z',
endDate: '2018-01-02T00:00:00.000Z',
shareownerAndQuantityTuples: [{
shareownerId: "2",
quantity: 1200
}, {
shareownerId: "3",
quantity: 1100
firstRefusal: true
companyId: "42",
type: "Setup",
date: "2018-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
shareCapitalChange: 50000,
shareholdingChanges: [{
startNr: 1,
stopNr: 1000,
buyDate: "2018-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
shareownerId: "1",
sharetypeId: 55
}, {
companyId: "42",
type: "Transaction",
date: "2018-01-02T00:00:00.000Z",
shareholdingChanges: [{
startNr: 1,
stopNr: 522,
shareownerId: "2"
}, {
startNr: 523,
stopNr: 1000,
shareownerId: "1"
}, {
companyId: "42",
type: "Transaction",
date: "2018-01-02T00:00:00.000Z",
shareholdingChanges: [{
startNr: 523,
stopNr: 1000,
shareownerId: "3"
}, {
companyId: "42",
type: "Newshareissue",
shareCapitalChange: 50000,
date: "2018-01-02T00:00:00.000Z",
shareholdingChanges: [{
startNr: 1001,
stopNr: 1521,
shareownerId: "2",
sharetypeId: 55
}, {
startNr: 1522,
stopNr: 2000,
shareownerId: "3",
sharetypeId: 55
}, {
companyId: "42",
type: "Split",
date: "2018-01-02T00:00:00.000Z",
shareholdingChanges: [{
startNr: 2001,
stopNr: 2157,
shareownerId: "2",
sharetypeId: 55
}, {
startNr: 2158,
stopNr: 2300,
shareownerId: "3",
sharetypeId: 55
}, {
companyId: "42",
type: "Reservationupdate",
date: "2018-01-02T00:00:00.000Z",
shareholdingChanges: [{
startNr: 1,
stopNr: 522,
firstRefusal: true
}, {
startNr: 523,
stopNr: 1000,
firstRefusal: true
}, {
startNr: 1001,
stopNr: 1521,
firstRefusal: true
}, {
startNr: 1522,
stopNr: 2000,
firstRefusal: true
}, {
startNr: 2001,
stopNr: 2157,
firstRefusal: true
}, {
startNr: 2158,
stopNr: 2300,
firstRefusal: true
The response from createShareLedgerEventsParams
is an array of parameters that can used as consecutive calls to the createShareLedgerEvent
One just has to iterate the response from createShareLedgerEventParams
, and supply each element as the value for variable $params
#Example using graphql-request and the example call
const { createShareLedgerEventsParams } = require('warehouse-companies');
const { request } = require('graphql-request');
const endpoint = '';
const query = `mutation CreateShareLedgerEvent ($params: EventCreationInput!) {
createShareLedgerEvent (params: $params) {
let result = createShareLedgerEventsParams({
companyId: "42",
sharetypeId: 55,
startCapital: 50000,
endCapital: 100000,
startQuantity: 1000,
firstShareownerId: "1",
firstDate: '2018-01-01T00:00:00.000Z',
endDate: '2018-01-02T00:00:00.000Z',
shareownerAndQuantityTuples: [{
shareownerId: "2",
quantity: 1200
}, {
shareownerId: "3",
quantity: 1100
firstRefusal: true
result.reduce((ack, params) => ack.then(async () => request(endpoint, query, { params })), Promise.all([]));