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Datastar models for the Warehouse.ai-status-api.


npm install warehouse.ai-status-models --save


const dynamoClient = new AWS.DynamoDB({ /* connection config */ });
const dynamodb = require('dynamodb');
const models = require('warehouse.ai-status-models')(dynamodb);

// from dynastar.define we get...
const Status = models.Status;

Status.findOne({ ... }).then(res => { ... }).catch(err => { ... });


All schemas for the API documentation are written using Joi notation.


Status (Status)

Generic status information

Column Type Summary
pkg (pk) string Name of a package
env (pk) string What environment is this build made for (dev, test, etc.)
version (pk) string What version of a package does this status represent
previousVersion string The previous version number
total number Total progress as percentage
error boolean Did the build error
createdAt timestamp Time of creation
updatedAt timestamp Time of last update
complete boolean Did the build complete

StatusHead (StatusHead)

Generic status information but just for he latest version for a given pkg and env. Refer to the table above for details. The properties error and complete do not exist on this table.

StatusEvent (StatusEvent)

A detailed event for the various stages of a build process containing message and optional details properties as well as locale and whether it is and error or not.

Column Type Summary
pkg (pk) string Name of a package
env (pk) string What environment is this build made for (dev, test, etc.)
version (pk) string What version of a package does this status represent
locale string Build locale
error boolean Is the status event an error
message string Status message
details string Message details
createdAt timestamp Time of creation
eventId string (timeUUID) Unique id sortable by time

StatusCounter (StatusCounter)

A simple distributed counter model that is incremented when a locale build has completed in order to compute progress based on total amount of locales.

Column Type Summary
pkg (pk) string Name of a package
env (pk) string What environment is this build made for (dev, test, etc.)
version (pk) string What version of a package does this status represent
count counter Incrementable counter


Before running tests, spin up an instance of localstack by running

npm run localstack

Then run:

npm test

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npm i warehouse.ai-status-models

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