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1.0.0-beta.1 • Public • Published

Waveform Renderer

Waveform Renderer

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A lightweight and customizable TypeScript library for rendering audio waveforms on HTML canvas. Create beautiful, interactive audio visualizations with ease.

📝 Table of Contents

✨ Features

  • 🎨 Highly customizable appearance
  • ⚡ Performant canvas-based rendering
  • 📱 Responsive and touch-friendly
  • 🔄 Real-time progress updates
  • 🎯 Interactive seeking
  • 💪 Written in TypeScript with full type support
  • 📏 Resolution independent with HiDPI/Retina support

🚀 Installation

npm install waveform-renderer
# or
yarn add waveform-renderer

📖 Quick Start

import { WaveformRenderer } from 'waveform-renderer';

// Get your canvas element
const canvas = document.getElementById('waveform') as HTMLCanvasElement;

// Prepare your audio peaks data
const peaks = [...]; // Array of numbers

// Create waveform instance
const waveform = new WaveformRenderer(canvas, peaks, {
  color: '#2196F3',
  backgroundColor: '#E3F2FD',
  progressLine: {
    color: '#1565C0'

// Listen to events
waveform.on('seek', (progress) => {
  console.log(`Seeked to ${progress * 100}%`);


Configuration Options


Option Type Default Description
amplitude number 1 Amplitude multiplier for the waveform
backgroundColor string "#CCCCCC" Background color of the waveform
barWidth number 2 Width of each bar in pixels
borderColor string "#000000" Border color of the bars
borderRadius number 0 Border radius of the bars in pixels
borderWidth number 0 Border width of the bars in pixels
color string "#000000" Color of the waveform bars
gap number 1 Gap between bars in pixels
minPixelRatio number 1 Minimum pixel ratio for rendering
position "bottom" | "center" | "top" "center" Vertical positioning of the waveform
progress number 0 Initial progress (0-1)
smoothing boolean true Whether to apply smoothing to the rendering
progressLine ProgressLineOptions null Progress line options


Option Type Default Description
color string "#FF0000" Color of the progress line
heightPercent number 1 Height of the line as percentage of total height
position "bottom" | "center" | "top" "center" Vertical position of the line
style "solid" | "dashed" | "dotted" "solid" Style of the progress line
width number 2 Width of the line in pixels

🎯 Events

The waveform renderer emits the following events:

Event Payload Description
renderStart void Emitted when rendering begins
renderComplete void Emitted when rendering is complete
seek number Progress value between 0-1 when user seeks
error Error Error object when an error occurs
destroy void Emitted when the instance is destroyed
ready void Emitted when the waveform is ready
resize { width: number; height: number } New dimensions when canvas is resized
progressChange number New progress value between 0-1

Example of type-safe event handling:

waveform.on("resize", ({ width, height }) => {
    console.log(`Canvas resized to ${width}x${height}`);

waveform.on("seek", progress => {
    // progress is a number between 0-1
    audioElement.currentTime = audioElement.duration * progress;

📦 Exports

The library provides the following exports:

Main Component

import { WaveformRenderer } from "waveform-renderer";

Utility Functions

import { getPeaksFromAudioBuffer } from "waveform-renderer";

This utility helps you calculate peaks from an AudioBuffer, useful when you need to generate waveform data from raw audio.

TypeScript Types

import type { WaveformOptions, ProgressLineOptions, WaveformEvents, RenderMode } from "waveform-renderer";

Example of using the utility function:

// Get an AudioBuffer from your audio source
const audioBuffer = await audioContext.decodeAudioData(arrayBuffer);

// Calculate peaks
const peaks = getPeaksFromAudioBuffer(audioBuffer);

// Create waveform with calculated peaks
const waveform = new WaveformRenderer(canvas, peaks, options);

🔧 Methods


  canvas: HTMLCanvasElement,
  peaks: number[],
  options?: Partial<WaveformOptions>

Instance Methods

  • setOptions(options: Partial<WaveformOptions>): Updates the waveform options
  • setPeaks(peaks: number[]): Updates the waveform peaks data
  • updateProgress(progress: number): Updates the current progress (0-1)
  • destroy(): Cleans up and removes the instance

💡 Examples

Custom Styling

const waveform = new WaveformRenderer(canvas, peaks, {
    color: "#2196F3",
    backgroundColor: "#E3F2FD",
    barWidth: 3,
    gap: 2,
    borderRadius: 2,
    progressLine: {
        color: "#1565C0",
        style: "dashed",
        width: 2,

Event Handling

const waveform = new WaveformRenderer(canvas, peaks);

waveform.on("ready", () => {
    console.log("Waveform is ready!");

waveform.on("seek", progress => {
    audioElement.currentTime = audioElement.duration * progress;

// Cleanup
waveform.off("seek", seekHandler);
// or remove all listeners

🌐 Browser Support

The library works in all modern browsers that support Canvas and ES6.

💡 Motivation

While wavesurfer.js is an excellent library, we needed a more focused solution. Waveform Renderer was created to be a lightweight alternative that concentrates solely on waveform visualization, eliminating additional features like playback, regions, or spectrograms. This results in:

  • 🎯 Focused scope: just waveform rendering
  • 📦 Smaller bundle size
  • 💪 TypeScript-first development
  • ⚡ Optimized performance for waveform rendering

Choose Waveform Renderer when you need efficient waveform visualization without the overhead of a full-featured audio library.

🤝 Contributing

Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.

📄 License

MIT License

🙏 Acknowledgements

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  • maximux13