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Facebook WebDriverAgent Node Client Library (not official)

Most functions finished.


  1. You need to start WebDriverAgent by yourself

Follow the instructions in https://github.com/facebook/WebDriverAgent

It is better to start with Xcode to prevent CodeSign issues.

But it is also ok to start WDA with command line.

xcodebuild -project WebDriverAgent.xcodeproj -scheme WebDriverAgentRunner -destination 'platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPhone 6' test
  1. Install wda-driver client
npm install --save wda-driver

TCP connection over USB (optional)

You can use wifi network, it is very convinient, but not very stable enough.

I found a tools named iproxy which can forward device port to localhost, it's source code is here https://github.com/libimobiledevice/libusbmuxd

The usage is very simple iproxy <local port> <remote port> [udid]


const wda = require('wda-driver')

How to use

Create a client

const wda = require('wda-driver')

const c = new wda.Client('http://localhost:8100')

// http://localhost:8100 is the default value
// Or you can use c = wda.Client() directly


// Show status
console.log(await c.status())

// Press home button
await c.home()

// Hit healthcheck
await c.healthcheck()

// Get page source

// format (str): only 'xml' and 'json' source types are supported
// accessible (bool): when set to true, format is always 'json'
const source = await c.source() // format XML
const source = await c.source(null, true) // default false, format JSON

Take screenshot, only can save format png

await c.screenshot('screen.png')

Open app

const s = await c.session('com.apple.Health')
console.log(await s.orientation())
await s.close()

For web browser like Safari you can define page whit which will be opened:

const s = await c.session('com.apple.mobilesafari', ['-u', 'https://www.google.com/ncr'])
console.log(await s.orientation())
await s.close()

Session operations

// Current bundleId and sessionId
console.log(s.getId(), s.getBundleId())

console.log(await s.orientation()) // expect PORTRAIT

// Change orientation
await s.orientation(orientation)

// Deactivate App for some time
await s.deactivate(5) // 5s

// Get width and height
console.log(await s.getWindowSize())
// Expect json output
// For example: {'height': 736, 'width': 414}

// Simulate touch
await s.tap(88, 200)

// Double touch
await s.doubleTap(200, 200)

// Simulate swipe, utilizing drag api
await s.swipe(x1, y1, x2, y2, 0.5) // 0.5s
await s.swipeLeft()
await s.swipeRight()
await s.swipeUp()
await s.swipeDown()

// tap hold
await s.tapHold(x, y, 1.0)

Find element

// For example, expect: true or false
// using id to find element and check if exists
const selector = s.selector({id: "URL"})
await selector.exists() // return true or false

// using id or other query conditions
s.selector({id: 'URL'})
s.selector({name: 'URL'})
s.selector({text: "URL"}) // text is alias of name
s.selector({nameContains: 'UR'})
s.selector({label: 'Address'})
s.selector({labelContains: 'Addr'})
s.selector({name:'URL', index: 1}) # find the second element. index starts from 0

// combines search conditions
// attributes bellow can combines
// :"className", "name", "label", "visible", "enabled"

s.selector({className: 'Button', name: 'URL', visible: true, labelContains: "Addr"})

More powerful findding method

s.selector({xpath: '//Button[@name="URL"]'})
s.selector({classChain: '**/Button[`name == "URL"`]'})
s.selector({predicate: 'name LIKE "UR*"'})

Element operations (eg: tap, scroll, set_text etc...)

Exmaple search element and tap

// Get first match Element object
// The function get() is very important.it will return an Element object
// when elements founded in 10 seconds(:default:), Element object returns

const e = await s.selector({text: 'Dashboard'}).get(10) // e is elements object
await e.tap() // tap element

Click element if exists

await s.selector({text: 'Dashboard'}).clickExists() // return immediately if not found

await s.selector({text: 'Dashboard'}).clickExists(5) // wait for 5s

Other Element operations

// Check if elements exists
console.log(await s.selector({text: 'Dashboard'}).exists())

// Find all matches elements, return Array of Element object
await s.selector({className: 'Other'}).findElements()

// Use index to find second element
await s.selector({className: 'Other', index: 2}).exists()

// Use child to search sub elements
await s.selector({text: 'Dashboard'}).child({className: 'Cell'}).exists()

// Default timeout is 10 seconds
// But you can change by

// do element operations
await e.tap()
await e.click() // alias of tap
// The default keyboard must be requested
await e.clearText()
await e.setText("Hello world")
await e.tapHold(2) // tapAndHold for 2.0s

await e.scroll() // scroll to make element visiable

// directions can be "up", "down", "left", "right"
// swipe distance default to its height or width according to the direction
await e.scroll('up', 100)

// Set text
await e.setText("Hello WDA") // normal usage
await e.setText("Hello WDA\n") // send text with enter
await e.setText("\b\b\b") // delete 3 chars

// Wait element gone
await s({className: 'Other'}).waitGone(10)

// Swipe TODO
// s(className="Image").swipe("left")

// Pinch
s(className="Map").pinch(2, 1) // scale=2, speed=1
s(className="Map").pinch(0.1, -1) // scale=0.1, speed=-1 (I donot very understand too)

// properties (bool)
await e.getAccessible()
await e.getDisplayed()
await e.getEnabled()
await e.getVisible()
await e.getAccessibilityContainer()

// properties (str)
await e.getId() 
await e.getLabel()
await e.getClassName()
await e.getText()
await e.getName()
await e.getDisplayed()
await e.getEnabled()
await e.getValue()
await e.getValue()

// Bounds return namedtuple
const rect = await e.getBounds() // Rect { x: 0, y: 73, width: 375, height: 666 }
rect.y // 73


console.log(await s.alert().exists())
console.log(await s.alert().text())
console.log(await s.alert().text())

await s.alert().accept() // Actually do click first alert button
await s.alert().dismiss() // Actually do click second alert button
await s.alert().wait(5) // if alert apper in 5 second it will return true,else return false (default 20.0)
await s.alert().wait() // wait alert apper in 20 second

await s.alert().buttons()
// example return: ["设置", "好"]

await s.alert().click('好')

iOS Build-in Apps


Name Bundle ID
iMovie com.apple.iMovie
Apple Store com.apple.AppStore
Weather com.apple.weather
相机Camera com.apple.camera
iBooks com.apple.iBooks
Health com.apple.Health
Settings com.apple.Preferences
Watch com.apple.Bridge
Maps com.apple.Maps
Game Center com.apple.gamecenter
Wallet com.apple.Passbook
电话 com.apple.mobilephone
备忘录 com.apple.mobilenotes
指南针 com.apple.compass
浏览器 com.apple.mobilesafari
日历 com.apple.mobilecal
信息 com.apple.MobileSMS
时钟 com.apple.mobiletimer
照片 com.apple.mobileslideshow
提醒事项 com.apple.reminders
Desktop com.apple.springboard (Start this will cause your iPhone reboot)

第三方应用 Thirdparty

Name Bundle ID
腾讯QQ com.tencent.mqq
微信 com.tencent.xin
部落冲突 com.supercell.magic
钉钉 com.laiwang.DingTalk
Skype com.skype.tomskype
Chrome com.google.chrome.ios

Another way to list apps installed on you phone is use ideviceinstaller install with brew install ideviceinstaller

List apps with command

$ ideviceinstaller -l


This project is a transplant by https://github.com/openatx/facebook-wda

Source code





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  • yaohui