- ⚛️ React 18
- 📚 Storybook 7 - Components preview
- 🖌️ Tailwind CSS 3
- ⏩ Vite - Run and build the project blazingly fast!
- ⚡ Vitest - Components Unit Testing
- 📐 ESLint & Prettier - Formatting and Linting
- 🌟 Typescript
- 🐶 Husky & Lint Staged - Pre-commit Hooks
- ⏰ Release Please — Generate the changelog with the release-please workflow
- 👷 Github Actions — Releasing versions to NPM
- Initial components setup using Atomic Design
- Create a new repository using this one as template
- Clone your repo
- Install dependencies with
pnpm i
(first runcorepack enable
to enable pnpm) - Run
pnpm prepare
command to setup Husky pre-commit hooks.
Always prepending pnpm:
: Bootstrap the Storybook preview with Hot Reload. -
: Builds the static storybook project. -
: Builds the component library into the dist folder. -
: Applies linting based on the rules defined in .eslintrc.js. -
: Formats files using the prettier rules defined in .prettierrc. -
: Runs testing using watch mode. -
: Runs testing displaying a coverage report.
I created a post explaning how to set up this library and publish it to a package registry! You can read it here.