Convert multiple images at a time to webp format. You can execute as both CLI and via Script.
Current Latest Version: 1.0.2
ChangeLog for 1.0.2: Fixed Directory path error
ChangeLog: for : 1.0.1 Added github URLs in package json file
Features added for Version: 1.0.0 Features:
Multiple images converted at a time
Multiple extensions (jpg, png, etc) of images can be converted at a time
All images in Current directory and it's sub directories are recursively checked
All Output images can be in the separate directory or to its directory(sub directory, if) itself.
Example Usage:
From CLI Usage like this : webp-bulk convert -e [image_extensions] -o
To Run as a script Use like this : node index.js convert -e [image extensions] -o
-e, --extensions : provide extensions seperated by spaces ex: -e png jpg jpeg
to convert all this extension images to webp format in current directory recursively.
-o, --output : It is optional parameter,
If you want all converted images to output to separate directory then provide this flag
By default output image is stored in its same directory(sub directory, if) path