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1.4.1-fix28 • Public • Published

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MobX connector for Angular (> 2)

If you're looking for the Angular 1 version version, it's here


  1. The library allows you to automatically observe all the observables that your component uses
  2. Automatically runs change detection - works with OnPush strategy
  3. Disposes of all the observers when the component is destroyed
  4. Debugging tools



$ npm install --save mobx-angular

Import the MobxAngularModule:

import { MobxAngularModule } from 'mobx-angular';

    imports: [..., MobxAngularModule]
export class MyModule {}


Use *mobxAutorun directive in your template:

import {store} from './store/counter';

  changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
  template: `
    <div *mobxAutorun>
      {{ store.value }} - {{ store.computedValue }}
      <button (click)="store.action">Action</button>
export class AppComponent {
    store = store;

The directive will observe all the observables that your component uses, and will automatically run the change detection whenever there's a change.

Use it together with onPush to gain maximum performance.


The same as autorun, except it runs synchronously.


Aside from autorun, MobX allows you to react to specific data changes.


  changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
  template: `<div *mobxReaction="getParity.bind(this)">
    {{ parity }}
class AppComponent {
  getParity() {
    return this.parity = store.counter % 2 ? 'Odd' : 'Even';

The callback function will automatically re-run whenever any observable that it uses changes. Change Detection will run automatically whenever the return value of callback changes. If you don't return anything, change detection will not run.

In this example, the parity property will be updated according to counter, and change detection will run only when the parity changes.

Injectable stores

You can easily make your stores injectable:

class Store {
  @observable value;
  @action doSomething() { ... }

Debugging MobX

mobx-angular comes with a handy debug tool. To turn on / off the debug tool, open developer tools' console, and run:

MobxAngularDebug(true) // turn on
MobxAngularDebug(false) // turn off

Then you can hover over the components that use mobx directives, and you will have a small box to click on to console.log the dependencies of that component. Also, every action that happens in mobx will be console.logged in a nice way.


See the example folder, specifically these files:

To run the examples, clone this repo and run:

$ npm install -g @angular/cli
$ cd example/<example-folder>
$ npm install
$ ng serve

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  • gkrciklum