
0.8.4 • Public • Published

What's in my deps? statistics for your installed modules.

This is a simple CLI tool that takes a whiff of your node_modules and spits out some statistics about them.

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npx whats-in-my-deps

Expect output that ends like so:

   total:      41
   redundant:  9        (just the extra dups)
   fake:       0        (tests, example or boilerplate)
   Errored:    0

   CJS:        24
   ESM:        15
   DUAL:       2
   TYPES:      0
   misc.:      0        (i.e .node, .json)

By default, it looks for node_modules in your current work directory. However, you can pass it a path as an argument.

npx stat-my-deps ~/workspace/my-project

What are these statistics?


  • total - the number of package.json files the glob found in the node_modules directory.
  • redundant - the number of duplications - the count of redundant coppies of existing packages. e.g. if a a package was found 4 times - then 3 of them are duplications. This treats different versions of the same package also as duplicates.
  • fake - package.json that were found in the node_modules directory, but do not represent a real package. Either because they were transpiled to dist, or they are a part of a boilerplate the package uses, or a part of its tests. (this stat is pending deprecation ever since the glob that finds package.json files was refined).
  • Errored - packages that the code failed to analyse and identify what they are.


  • CJS - the shipped code in the package was identified as commonJS. (it could be transpiled from ESM, but the actual distribution is CJS).
  • ESM - the shipped code in the package was identified as ES-Modules.
  • Dual - the package includes an exports clause. (this is a naive assumption that may be refined in a PR)
  • Types - the package is identified as a types package.
  • misc. - the package does not ship JS code, but .node, .json, local-arch binaries or other miscellaneous files.

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npm i whats-in-my-deps

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  • osher