A CLI to keep your screen active by moving the mouse around
$ npm i -g wiggle-mouse
$ wiggle-mouse (-v|--version|version)
wiggle-mouse/0.1.0 linux-x64 node-v14.15.4
$ wiggle-mouse --help [COMMAND]
A CLI to keep your screen active by moving the mouse around randomly.
$ wiggle-mouse
-c, --click Should the mouse be intermittantly clicked?
-h, --help show CLI help
-p, --mousepos Display the position of the mouse (and don't run the wiggler)
-r, --rate=rate [default: 1500] Rate of movement in milliseconds
-u, --until=until Number of milliseconds to run the wiggler
-v, --version show CLI version
--clickrate=clickrate [default: 100] Probability to click (out of 100) where the mouse lands, if click is true.