Get data off Wikipedia. Fast.
Wikiscraper is both a library, and a command line utility.
$ wikiscraper Helium Hydrogen Oxygen Lithium## or $ echo '["Helium", "Hydrogen", "Oxygen", "Lithium"]' | wikiscraper
A JSON array of Wikipedia sites will be returned:
$ wikiscraper markdown[ ]
$ npm install -g wikiscraper
This tool will get the contents of Wikipedia's infobox (.infobox class), as a JSON object.
We needed to scrape Wikipedia's data on chemical elements for, so this was made.
Usage in JavaScript
WikiScraper should initialized with a array of pages on Wikipedia.
new WikiScraper(["JavaScript"])
or WikiScraper.selectSites(["JavaScript"])
This will translate to the URL
The language of the page can be changed.
will scrape
For every request, the callback will be called. This allows faster processing and is more secure than returning a big array.
var WikiScraper = ; var wikiscraper = "Helium" "Hydrogen" "Oxygen" "Lithium"; /* Callback Style */ var elements = ; wikiscraper; wikiscraper; /* Event style */ wikiscraper; wikiscraper; wikiscraper; wikiscraper;