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Port in JS of the matching library used by Git.

Unlike other libraries like minimatch, it doesn't use regexp and use a real parser.


var wildmatch = require('wildmatch');
wildmatch('bar.foo', '*.foo'); //=> true
wildmatch('bar.foo', '*.bar'); //=> false
wildmatch('D', '[[:xdigit:]]'); //=> true


Wildmatch support the following features:

  • ?: Match a singe character
  • *: Match any string
  • Character classes: list ([asd]), ranges ([a-z]), POSIX named classes ([[:alpha:]]), negation ([!a-f] or [^a-f])
  • Braces expansion: file.{js,json} will match file.js and file.json.
  • Sequences: {-1..1} will turn into (-1 or 0 or 1). You can also set a step size ({-5..5..5} => -5, 0, 5), use letters ({a..e..2} => a, c, e), and count backward ({Z..X} => Z, Y, X)
  • Extended glob: pattern-list is a list of patterns separated by |
    • ?(pattern-list): Matches zero or one occurrence of the given patterns
    • *(pattern-list): Matches zero or more occurrences of the given patterns
    • +(pattern-list): Matches one or more occurrences of the given patterns
    • @(pattern-list): Matches one occurrences of the given patterns
    • !(pattern-list): Matches anything except one of the given patterns


You can path an options object to wildmatch as third parameter. Options include:

  • matchBase: If set, then patterns without slashes will be matched against the basename of the path if it contains slashes. For example, a?b would match the path /xyz/123/acb, but not /xyz/acb/123.
  • case: if set to false, perform a case-insensitive match
  • pathname: if set, ?, * and character class do not match the / character
  • braces: set it to false to disable the processing of curly braces (braces expansion and sequences)
  • extglob: set it to false to disable the match of extended glob pattern lists

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  • vmeurisse