
1.0.0 • Public • Published


Native addon for Node.js to query the Windows Known Folders API


C:\Users\myUser>npm install windows-knownfolders


var knownfolders = require('windows-knownfolders')
// To get the definitive answer to: Where is my home directory?
// (as far as that can be stated when on Windows)
var profileId = knownfolders.folderIds.Profile
knownfolders.getPath(profileId, function(er, profilePath) {
  // Do something with profilePath...
// Request an enumeration of Ids for all Known Folders currently on this system:
knownfolders.list(function(er, data) {
  // data is an array of Ids; each can be supplied to other calls...
// Maybe we know the name, but we need to discover the Id:
knownfolders.getByName('OneDrive', function(er, kfid) {
  console.log(knownfolders.getIdName(kfid)) // SkyDrive
  // To get the properties of this folder for inspection:
  knownfolders.getDefinition(kfid, function(er, data) {
    // Do something with data...


General Notes

In the following,

  • module-designated Id means a unique number generated by the module.
  • A result of 0 for a function that fetches an Id means that no match was found.
  • No attempt is made to expose the GUIDs used by the underlying system libraries.
  • Where a user-supplied Id is not recognized, it means it has not been obtained from the module.

The Internal List of Ids

Statement A: Some of the functions have a side effect: when a previously unrecognized Id is discovered by a query, the module remembers it for the rest of the lifetime of the instance by adding it to its dynamic internal list (not in folderIds). This side effect is noted in the descriptions of the applicable functions below.

Statement B: Where an asynchronous function takes an Id argument, the function will immediately throw an error if both of the following are true:

  • The Id is 0, or not from the set of folderIds constants (see below).
  • The Id is not from the results of a previous query through the same runtime instance of the module.

Taking the two statements above into account, it is possible that a call like the following that throws an error at an early point in the life of a runtime instance will neither throw nor pass back an error but fetch valid data at a later point in the same runtime instance:

// Where id is greater than the highest value in knownfolders.folderIds:
knownfolders.getDefinition(id, function(err, defData) {
  // ...

Folder Names

There are several kinds of names associated with Known Folders:

  • Canonical name
  • Display name
  • the last component of the filesystem path
  • the symbolic name of the folder Id

(Not part of this discussion: Parsing name and Localized name.)

For a given folder, all of the above can be different, so it is wise not to assume them to be interchangeable, even though in some cases they may be the same.


The current version of this module provides operations that fetch information, but no operations to modify the Known Folders system.

Known Folders Developer's Guide at



Synchronous. Returns the module-designated symbolic name of the Known Folder associated with the given Id, if any, or an empty string for a Known Folder registered by third-party software. If the given Id is out of the currently recognized range, an error is thrown.

  • id {Number} The module-designated Id.

Note: Given an existing Known Folder, if there is no corresponding symbolic name in the SDK header files used to build the module, there will be no module-designated name; however, there will be no error thrown if the passed Id has been returned by a previous query. In this case, the return value will be an empty string.

List of KNOWNFOLDERID constants (not up-to-date!) at


Synchronous. Returns the module-designated type name of the Known Folder Type associated with the given Type Id, if any; otherwise an error is thrown.

  • typeId {Number} The module-designated Type Id. See folderTypeIds below.

Note: the module-designated type name is derived from the symbolic name assigned to the FOLDERTYPEID by Microsoft.

List of FOLDERTYPEID constants at

findFromPath(pathName, callback)

Asynchronous. Fetches the module-designated Id of the Known Folder if one is registered for the given file system path; otherwise 0.

A call to this function may cause the dynamic internal list of Ids to grow.

  • pathName {String} The absolute path of the folder.
  • callback {Function}
    • error {Error | null}
    • id {Number} The module-designated Id or 0 (unknown), if no error.


  • The underlying system call is hard-coded to search for an exact match for the given pathname.
  • More than one Known Folder Id can point to the same path.

API doc for IKnownFolderManager::FindFolderFromPath at

getByName(name, callback)

Asynchronous. Fetches the module-designated Id of the Known Folder if one is registered with the given name; otherwise 0.

A call to this function may cause the dynamic internal list of Ids to grow.

  • name {String} The "non-localized, canonical name" of the folder.
  • callback {Function}
    • error {Error | null}
    • id {Number} The module-designated Id or 0 (unknown), if no error.

API doc for IKnownFolderManager::GetFolderByName at

getCanonicalName(id, callback)

Asynchronous. Fetches the "non-localized, canonical name" from the KNOWNFOLDER_DEFINITION retrieved for the given Id. If the given Id is out of the currently recognized range, an error is thrown.

  • id {Number} The module-designated Id.
  • callback {Function}
    • error {Error | null}
    • name {String} The canonical name, if error is null.

getCategory(id, callback)

Asynchronous. Fetches the category of the folder with the given Id. If the given Id is out of the currently recognized range, an error is thrown.

  • id {Number} The module-designated Id.
  • callback {Function}
    • error {Error | null}
    • category {String} one of "virtual", "fixed", "common", or "peruser", if error is null.

API doc for IKnownFolder::GetCategory at

getDefinition(id, callback)

Asynchronous. Fetches the data that defines the Known Folder identified by the given Id. If the given Id is out of the currently recognized range, an error is thrown.

A call to this function may cause the dynamic internal list of Ids to grow.

  • id {Number} The module-designated Id.
  • callback {Function}
    • error {Error | null}
    • defData {Object} The definition data, if error is null.

The properties of the object passed through the callback map one-to-one with those of the KNOWNFOLDER_DEFINITION structure (API doc at ):

Property Type can be
fid number The module-designated Known Folder Id
category string One of "virtual", "fixed", "common", or "peruser"
name string The non-localized, canonical name; not to be confused with the display name
description string yes A short description; should include the folder's purpose and usage
fidParent number Module-designated Id of the parent Known Folder, or 0
relativePath string yes Path relative to the parent folder specified in (non-zero) fidParent
parsingName string yes The Shell namespace folder path of the folder
tooltip string yes Default tooltip resource, of the form MODULE_NAME,RESOURCE_ID
localizedName string yes Default localized name resource, of the form MODULE_NAME,RESOURCE_ID
icon string yes Default icon resource, of the form MODULE_NAME,RESOURCE_ID
security string yes Default security descriptor, in Security Descriptor Definition Language format
attributes number Default file system attributes; see the dwFlagsAndAttributes parameter of the CreateFile function at
kfDefFlags number One of more values that control certain Known Folder behaviors; see definitionFlags below
folderTypeId number The module-designated Known Folder Type Id; see folderTypeIds below

API doc for IKnownFolder::GetFolderDefinition at

getDisplayName(id, callback)

Asynchronous. Fetches the display name of the shell item associated with the Known Folder referenced by the given Id. If the Known Folder exists but has no display name, the result is null. If the given Id is out of the currently recognized range, an error is thrown.

  • id {Number} The module-designated Id.
  • callback {Function}
    • error {Error | null}
    • name {String} The display name, if error is null.

Note: display names are not required to be unique.

API doc for IShellItem::GetDisplayName at

getFolderType(id, callback)

Asynchronous. Fetches the Folder Type Id of the folder with the given Id. If the given Id is out of the currently recognized range, an error is thrown.

  • id {Number} The module-designated Id.
  • callback {Function}
    • error {Error | null}
    • typeId {Number} one of the values in folderTypeIds (see below), if error is null.

API doc for IKnownFolder::GetFolderType at

getIdList(id[, options], callback)

Asynchronous. Fetches the binary data that uniquely identifies the Known Folder in the Shell namespace. If the given Id is out of the currently recognized range, an error is thrown.

Not to be confused with fetching a list of Known Folders! For that, see list.

For the full explanation, it would be best to refer to this document at .

  • id {Number} The module-designated Id.
  • options {Number} Optional Any bitwise OR-combination of pathOptions values (see below) to specify special retrieval.
  • callback {Function}
    • error {Error | null}
    • bytes {Buffer} a copy of the Shell Item ID List data, if error is null.

API doc for SHGetKnownFolderIDList function at

getPath(id[, options], callback)

Fetches the file system path, if any, of the Known Folder with the given module-designated Id. If the given Id is out of the currently recognized range, an error is thrown.

  • id {Number} The module-designated Id.
  • options {Number} Optional Any bitwise OR-combination of pathOptions values (see below) to specify special retrieval
  • callback {Function}
    • error {Error | null}
    • path {String} The file system path, if error is null.

Note: Some Known Folders do not have a file system path, even when present on the system (e.g., virtual folders).

API doc for SHGetKnownFolderPath function at

getRedirectionCapabilities(id, callback)

Asynchronous. Fetches a value that combines the redirection capability flags currently set on the Known Folder identified by the given Id. If the given Id is out of the currently recognized range, an error is thrown.

  • id {Number} The module-designated Id.
  • callback {Function}
    • error {Error | null}
    • flags {Number} The flags combination value, if error is null.

See redirectFlags below for flag values to test for.

API doc for IKnownFolder::GetRedirectionCapabilities at

list([kind,] callback)

Asynchronous. Fetches information of user-selectable kind for all Known Folders registered on the system.

A call to this function may cause the dynamic internal list of Ids to grow.

  • kind {Number} Optional Any one of listTypes values. If omitted, only Ids are fetched.
  • callback {Function}
    • error {Error | null}
    • data {Array} The list, if error is null.

If kind is listTypes.FOLDER_ID, the result is the same as when no kind is given.

If kind is listTypes.DETAILS, each element of the result list is of the same form as described for getDefinition.

If kind is either listTypes.CANONICAL_NAME or listTypes.DISPLAY_NAME, each element of the result list will be an object with two properties:

  • fid {Number} The module-designated Id
  • name {String} The (requested type of) name

Warning: use of listTypes.DISPLAY_NAME as kind is relatively expensive.

API doc for IKnownFolderManager::GetFolderIds at



Constants that correspond to FOLDERID values available on the current system according to the installed SDK headers. Not all are guaranteed to have corresponding folders existent on the current system.


  • It is very important to understand that this is not a list of the Known Folders that exist on the current system; it only references the Known Folder Ids declared in the SDK header files that are used when the module is built.
  • It is possible that there are Known Folders registered on the system that are not represented on this list.
  • The module-designated Ids in this list are generated by the module, and the assigned symbolic names are derived (by the module author) from those assigned to the Known Folder Ids by Microsoft.

List of KNOWNFOLDERID constants (not up-to-date!) at


Constants that correspond to FOLDERTYPEID values available on the current system according to the installed SDK headers.

Note: the module-designated type names are derived from the symbolic names assigned to FOLDERTYPEIDs by Microsoft.

List of FOLDERTYPEID constants at


Use with function list (see above).

  • listTypes.FOLDER_ID
  • listTypes.CANONICAL_NAME
  • listTypes.DISPLAY_NAME
  • listTypes.DETAILS


Flag values that indicate special fetching instructions for the filesystem path. Use with functions getPath and getIdList (see above).

  • pathOptions.API_DEFAULT
  • pathOptions.DEFAULT_PATH
  • pathOptions.DONT_VERIFY

>= Windows 10, version 1703:


Note: These are derived from the KNOWN_FOLDER_FLAG enumeration.
Not every item on that list is represented in this module.


  • definitionFlags.LOCAL_REDIRECT_ONLY
  • definitionFlags.ROAMABLE
  • definitionFlags.PRECREATE

>= Windows 7:

  • definitionFlags.STREAM
  • definitionFlags.PUBLISH_EXPANDED_PATH

>= Windows 8.1:

  • definitionFlags.NO_REDIRECT_UI



  • redirectFlags.ALLOW_ALL
  • redirectFlags.REDIRECTABLE
  • redirectFlags.DENY_ALL
  • redirectFlags.DENY_POLICY
  • redirectFlags.DENY_PERMISSIONS


License: MIT

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