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1.2.9 • Public • Published


Be carefull this package can be use only on a linux X11 machine.

You also need packages like libx11-dev, libxmu-dev

Update your indexes

sudo apt update

Install your unbuntu packages

sudo apt install libx11-dev -y

sudo apt install libxmu-dev -y

Install wmctrljs package

npm install wmctrljs


Wmctrljs is an adaptation of wmctrl command and more, with that library you can easily manage your windows very fastly beacause wmctrls does'nt make a fork of wmctrl process but directly call X11 library using N-API.

To do that wmctrls has access to an addon natif using N-API for scalability between nodejs version.

An implementation of async/IO is available, then it is possible to call each function on a V8 different thread wich will highly improve performance results


wmctrljs provide you an access to alot of properties on your windows many more than wmctrl process. See the prototype as follow.

interface Window {


Window types are describe by this interface.

interface TypeDesc {

You have access to window's size and positions.

interface Geometry {

wmctrljs also provide you XSizeHints propertis based on Xutils.h structure.

interface XSizeHints { //Based on Xutils.h
    flags:number /* marks which fields in this structure are defined */
    y:number /* obsolete for new window mgrs, but clients */
    height:number /* should set so old wm's don't mess up */

It is possible to have access to window's frame extents provided by his window manager.

interface FrameExtents {

Screen description is also available.

interface Screen {

Available functions

Get screen's information

function getScreenSync():Screen
function getScreen():Promise<Screen>

Get windows information

function getWindowListSync():Window[]
function getWindowList():Promise<Window[]>

Get Window by id

function getWindowByIdSync():Window
function getWindowById():Promise<Window>

Get the current active window, it is possible no window is active for now then return value can be null

function getActiveWindowSync():Window
function getActiveWindow():Promise<Window>

Get a list of window with the pid provided, if this pid doesn't match with any window a not found exception is throw

function getWindowsByPidSync(win_pid:number):Window[]
function getWindowsByPid(win_pid:number):Promise<Window[]>

Get a list of window with the class provided, it has the same issue as getWindowsByPidSync

function getWindowsByClassNameSync(win_class_name:string):Window[]
function getWindowsByClassName(win_class_name:string):Promise<Window[]>

Active a window by his id, if no window match with this id a window not found exception will be throw.

function activeWindowByIdSync(win_id:number):boolean
function activeWindowById(win_id:number):Promise<boolean>

Active multiple windows by classname or by pid with respective functions

function activeWindowsByClassNameSync(win_class_name:string):boolean
function activeWindowsByClassName(win_class_name:string):Promise<boolean>
function activeWindowsByPidSync(win_pid:number):boolean
function activeWindowsByPid(win_pid:number):Promise<boolean>

It's the same issue for closing window(s)

function closeWindowByIdSync(win_id:number):boolean
function closeWindowById(win_id:number):Promise<boolean>
function closeWindowsByClassNameSync(win_class_name:string):boolean
function closeWindowsByClassName(win_class_name:string):Promise<boolean>
function closeWindowsByPidSync(win_pid:number):boolean
function closeWindowsByPid(win_pid:number):Promise<boolean>

Move and resize your window

function windowMoveResizeSync(win_id:number, win_gravity:number, win_x:number, 
                                    win_y:number, win_width:number, win_height:number):boolean
function windowMoveResize(win_id:number, win_gravity:number, win_x:number, 
                                    win_y:number, win_width:number, win_height:number):Promise<boolean>

You can also move and resize windows with transitions, this is a pure wmctrljs function

function windowMoveResizeTransition(win_id:number, win_gravity:number, win_x:number, 
    win_y:number, win_width:number, win_height:number, await_time:number=1, pad:number=1):Promise<boolean>

Here the await_time is the duration between all window's positions and dimensions, and pad allow you to control the number of step it will have.

Because of the duration of this animation it is available only with an AsyncWorker.

Make some action on window's states

Actions available are add remove and toggle

Properties: modal sticky maximized_vert maximized_horz shaded skip_taskbar skip_pager hidden fullscreen above below

function windowStateSync(win_id:number, action:string, prop1:string, prop2?:string):boolean
function windowState(win_id:number, action:string, prop1:string, prop2?:string):Promise<boolean>

Minimize a window

function windowMinimizeSync(win_id:number):boolean
function windowMinimize(win_id:number):Promise<boolean>

Take off all restriction on the window size, thus you can resize it as you want.

function windowAllowAllSizesSync(win_id:number):boolean
function windowAllowAllSizes(win_id:number):Promise<boolean>

Put a window in first plan

function windowRaiseSync(win_id:number):boolean
function windowRaise(win_id:number):Promise<boolean>

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