TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

1.7.1 • Public • Published



English 中文

  • Lightweight and reactive state management
  • Dependency collection automatic,components update exactly
  • Easy to use. No HOC, only one API to use in components, its more intuitive to code
  • React hooks support only now



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Quick Start

  1. create a store
 * src/store.ts
import createStore from 'wohoox';

const store = createStore({
  initState: {
    version: '1.x',
    details: {
      name: 'wohoox',
      other: 'xxx'
  actions: {
    updateVersion(state, version: string) {
      state.version = version;

export { useStore } from 'wohoox';
export const actions = store.actions
  1. use state in component
 * src/pages/example.tsx
import { actions, useStore } from 'src/store.ts'

function Example () {
  // Default to get 'default' store and return the hole state
  const userState = useStore()

  const version = useStore(state => state.version)

  return <div>
    <h2>Version: {version}</h2>
    <h2>Version: {userState.version}</h2>

    <button onClick={() => {actions.updateVersion(version + '_1')}}>click to update version</button>
  1. typescript support

In order to be able to automatically infer the type based on state, useStore needs to be redefine If you do not use typescript, you can use useStore directly

 * diff src/store.ts
- import createStore from 'wohoox';
+ import createStore, { useStore as useWoHoox } from 'wohoox';

+ type DefaultState = typeof store.state;

- export { useStore } from 'wohoox';

+ export function useStore(name?: string): DefaultState;
+ export function useStore<T extends (state: DefaultState) => any>(fn?: T): ReturnType<T>;
+ export function useStore<T extends (state: DefaultState) => any>(name?: string,fn?: T): ReturnType<T>;
+ export function useStore(name?: any, fn?: any) {
+   const state = useWohoox(name, fn);
+   return state;
+ }
 * src/store.ts
import createStore, { useStore as useWoHoox } from 'wohoox';

const store = createStore({
  initState: {
    version: '1.x',
    details: {
      name: 'wohoox',
      other: 'xxx'
  actions: {
    updateVersion(state, version: string) {
      state.version = version;

type DefaultState = typeof store.state;

export function useStore(name?: string): DefaultState;
export function useStore<T extends (state: DefaultState) => any>(fn?: T): ReturnType<T>;
export function useStore<T extends (state: DefaultState) => any>(name?: string,fn?: T): ReturnType<T>;
export function useStore(name?: any, fn?: any) {
  const state = useWohoox(name, fn);

  return state;

export const actions = store.actions


Multi Store

If you want to use multi store by module, look here.

Create multi store

  • Create a store named 'user'
 * src/multiStore.ts

const userStore = createStore({
  name: 'user',
  initState: {
    name: 'wohoox',
    description: 'reactive store',
  actions: {
    updateName(state, name: string) {
      state.name = name;

export const userActions = userStore.actions
  • Create a store named 'department'
 * src/multiStore.ts

const devInitState = {
  name: 'developer',
  address: {
    province: 'sc',
    city: 'cd'

const devStore = createStore({
  name: 'department',
  initState: devInitState,
  actions: {
    updateAddress(state, address: typeof devInitState['address']) {
      state.address = address;

export const devActions = devStore.actions
  • Combine multi store
    You can combine all stores together. In order to be able to automatically infer the type based on state, useStore needs to be redefine If you do not use typescript, you can use useStore directly
 * src/multiStore.ts
import defaultStore from './store'
import { combineStores } from 'wohoox';

export const { store, actions } = combineStores(defaultStore, devStore, userStore)

// same as manual to combine stores
// const store = {
//   default: defaultStore,
//   department: devStore,
//   user: userStore,
// };

type AppStore = typeof store;

export function useStore(): AppStore["default"]["state"];
export function useStore<T extends (state: AppStore["default"]["state"]) => any>(fn: T): ReturnType<T>;
export function useStore<T extends keyof AppStore>(name: T): AppStore[T]["state"];
export function useStore<
  N extends keyof AppStore,
  T extends (state: AppStore[N]["state"]) => any
>(name?: N, fn?: T): ReturnType<T>;
export function useStore(fn?: any, name?: any) {
  const state = useWohoox(fn, name);

  return state;


Use multi store is same as single store, just need to point the store name

 * src/pages/multiExample.tsx
import { actions } from 'src/multiStore.ts'

function example () {
  const defaultState = useStore()
  const userState = useStore('user', state => state.name)
  const devState = useStore('department', state => state.address)

  return <div>
    <h2>Default Version</h2>

    <h2>User Name</h2>

    <h2>Dev address</h2>

    <button onClick={() => {actions.default.updateVersion(version + '_1')}}>click to update version</button>
    <button onClick={() => {actions.user.updateName(userState + '_1')}}>click to update name</button>
    <button onClick={() => {actions.department.updateAddress({...devState, city: devState.city + '_1'})}}>click to update address</button>


In order to make the code style more standardized. Strict mode is on by default. Which means actions is the only way to modify state.

Turn on

Actions are the only valid way to modify data

const store = createStore({
  initState: {
    version: '1.X',
  actions: {
    updateVersion(state, version: string) {
      state.version = version;
  options: {
    // default true
    strictMode: true

Modify data by actions

import { actions } from 'src/store.ts'

function exampleStrictMode () {
  const state = useStore()

  const updateVersion = () => {
    // Error when modify by state
    // state.version = state.version + '_1'
    // actions.dispatch()

    // OK
    actions.updateVersion(state.version + '_1')

  return <div>
    <h2>Default Version</h2>

    <button onClick={updateVersion}>click to update version</button>

Turn off

Valid ways

  • Actions
  • state expression + dispatch
- import createStore, { useStore as useWohoox } from 'wohoox';
+ import createStore, { useStore as useWohoox, dispatch as wohooxDispatch } from 'wohoox';

const store = createStore({
  initState: {
    version: '1.X',
  actions: {
    updateVersion(state, version: string) {
      state.version = version;
  options: {
-   strictMode: true
+   strictMode: false

+ export function dispatch(storName?: keyof AppStore) {
+   wohooxDispatch(storName);
+ }

Modify data

- import { actions } from 'src/store.ts'
+ import { actions, dispatch } from 'src/store.ts'

function exampleStrictMode () {
  const state = useStore()

  const updateVersion = () => {
    // OK
    actions.updateVersion(state.version + '_1')

    // OK
    state.version = state.version + '_1'

  return <div>
    <h2>Default Version</h2>

    <button onClick={updateVersion}>click to update version</button>

Used in js/ts code

useStore is used in component. You can also use state in js and ts file

 * src/store.ts

// export state from store.ts
// important... do not use it in components, it can not to rerender
+ export const state = store.state
 * request.ts

import { state, actions } from 'src/store'

function request () {
  // use state in other js/ts file
  return fetch(`/api/details?version=${state.version}`)

async function getVersion () {
  const res = await fetch('/api/version')
  const {version} = await res.json()



Plug-in options are provided to enhance the functionality of wohoox

wohoox plugin is a object who contains below methods

import type { WohooxPlugin } from 'wohoox';

export const plugin: WohooxPlugin = {
  beforeInit(initState, actions) {
    // do something before store init, return new initState and actions
    return {
  onInit(store) {
    // do something after store inited
  onAdd(storeName, value, keys) {
    // do something when state property has been added
  onDelete(storeName, keys) {
    // do something when state property has been deleted
  onChange(storeName, value, keys) {
    // do something when state changed
  onGet(storeName, value, keys) {
    // do something when state has been gettled

Example of persist

  • create a plugin
// src/plugin/persist.ts
import type { WohooxPlugin } from 'wohoox';

const persistPlugin: WohooxPlugin = {
  beforeInit(initState, actions) {
    return {
      initState: {
        version: JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('wohoox_version') || '""'),
  onChange(_name, value, keys) {
    if (keys.toString() === 'version')
      localStorage.setItem('wohoox_version', JSON.stringify(value));

export default persistPlugin;
  • add to plugin option
import persistPlugin from './plugin/persist'

const store = createStore({
  initState: {
    version: "1.x",
  actions: {
    updateVersion(state, version: string) {
      state.version = version;
  plugins: [persistPlugin],



It is used to create a store.


  • name: default as 'default'. name of store. it is used as an identifier to get store data.
  • initState: Initial the data and use it as the data structure of the state.
  • actions: Dispatch to change data. As the only valid way to modify data in strict mode, then it will caused by page rerender
  • plugins: plugin list for store
  • options.strictMode: default as true. Strict mode switch for store. Once the switch turn on, actions will be the only valid way to modify data, otherwise you can directly modify the data by state. ex: state.age = 23
  • options.proxySetDeep: default as false. Type data of set will not be proxy for its child item. Cause there is no method to get item, child proxy is is not necessary to proxy. But if you want to proxy anyway, you can set it to true.


Create a store named 'default'

 * src/store.ts
import createStore from 'wohoox';

const store = createStore({
   * default as 'default'
  name: 'default',
  initState: {
    version: '1.x',
    details: {
      name: 'wohoox',
      other: 'xxx'
  actions: {
    updateVersion(state, version: string) {
      state.version = version;
   * default as { strictMode: true }
  options: {
    strictMode: true


combine multi stores to a new store

import { combineStores } from 'wohoox';

export const { store, actions } = combineStores(defaultStore, devStore, userStore)


A hooks to get the state of store by store name and callback


  • name: Optional, default as 'default'. Get state from store by name. Note: An error will be throw when the name does not exist.
  • callback: return a detail state, you can use it as redux reselect, but it would be recalculate every time.


 * src/pages/example.tsx
import { actions } from 'src/store.ts'

function Example () {
  // Default to get 'default' store and return the hole state
  const defaultStoreState = useStore()
  // same as useStore()
  const defaultStoreState = useStore('default')

  // get the state of store which named user
  const userStoreState = useStore('user')

  // get state field by callback and store name
  const version = useStore(state => state.version)
  const name = useStore(state => state.details.name)
  const details = useStore('default', state => state.details)



In order to be able to automatically infer the type based on state, useStore needs to be redefine If you do not use typescript, you can use useStore directly

 * src/store.ts
import createStore, { useStore as useWoHoox } from 'wohoox';

const store = createStore({...})

type DefaultState = typeof store.state;

export function useStore(name?: string): DefaultState;
export function useStore<T extends (state: DefaultState) => any>(fn?: T): ReturnType<T>;
export function useStore<T extends (state: DefaultState) => any>(name?: string,fn?: T): ReturnType<T>;
export function useStore(name?: any, fn?: any) {
  const state = useWohoox(name, fn);

  return state;


dispatch action for non-strict mode. Same as defined in actions, like:

actions: {


  • storeName: default as 'default'. tell wohoox which store should be update


import { useStore, dispatch } from "../store";

function exampleNonStrictMode () {
  const state = useStore()

  const updateVersion = () => {
    state.version = state.version + '_1'

  return <div>
    <h2>Non-Strict mode</h2>

    <button onClick={updateVersion}>click to update version</button>


In order to be able to automatically infer the type based on store module, useStore needs to be redefine If you do not use typescript, you can use dispatch directly

export function dispatch(storName?: keyof AppStore) {


dispatch all store to rerender

 * src/pages/multiExample.tsx
import { actions } from 'src/multiStore.ts'
import { dispatchAll } from 'wohoox'

function example () {
  const defaultState = useStore()
  const userState = useStore('user', state => state)
  const devState = useStore('department', state => state.address)

  return <div>
    <h2>Default Version</h2>

    <h2>User Name</h2>

    <h2>Dev address</h2>

    <button onClick={() => {
      defaultState.version += '_1'
      devState.city += "_2"
      userState.name += '_3'

      {/* same as below */}
      {/* dispatch() */}
      {/* dispatch('user') */}
      {/* dispatch('department') */}
    }}>click to update all</button>


  • If you do not use useStore to get state, components will not re-render.
  • Use strict mode if possible(use actions to modify state).
  • Type data of Set will not be proxy for its child item。If you want to rerender when changed the child items properties, you can:
    • Delete the last item of Set and add it into Set again
    • Or set options proxySetDeep: true


  1. sync from server
  2. persist
  3. framework independence

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