
0.0.4 • Public • Published


Node.js library to check words in different languages.

You can do something like this

var wordlist = require('wordlist');
wordlist.init('en', function() {
	if (wordlist.checkWord('en', 'test')) {
		console.log('The language en(glish) contains the word test');

For the moment you need to install wordlists yourself. These are installed into the directory you choose and the filename is ../words_<lang>.txt and contains a word for each line. One way of making wordlists is using the wordlists from aspell. You can generate the wordlists from aspell like this:

aspell -d en dump master > wordlists/words_en.txt

addLanguage(lang, [directory,] callback)

This function will read a wordlist from file to be used. It will organize it in memory for usage. You can have many languages in memory at the same time.

directory is optional and will use the lib/wordlists/ as default. A good idea is to keep this outside of the module.

addToLanguage(lang, to_lang, [directory,] callback)

This function will read a wordlist from a file to be added to another language. Eg, you can do something like

wordlist.addToLanguage('en_GB', 'en'..);
wordlist.addToLanguage('en_US', 'en'..);

And now you have all the GB and US words in the same internal "en" language.

checkWord(lang, word)

This will check a word in a language and return true/false

addWord(lang, word)

This will add a word to a language and return true if added or false if not. It will return false if the word already exists.


Return the count of words in a language

nextCharacters(lang, wordpart)

Returns an array with the next possible characters. Eg "tes" could return ['t'..] for test, tester, testing etc. Giving you the next characters doesn't mean it will be a full word, only that you will find a word at the end somewhere.




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