
0.3.0 • Public • Published

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WorkJS is a NodeJS Web Design Pattern (tiny framework!?). Use JS annotation (JS Doc) to design your backend service (API) and defined router as the same time. WorkJS includes basejs, express and project. You can build your controller use Object-Oriented Programming. Write document and defined router at same time. Maybe, you can build your http service quickly.

Getting Started

Install from GitHub

# get code
$ git clone

# install depends package (npm install first)
$ cd WorkJS
$ npm install

# run example
$ npm start

Open your browser and go

Install from npm package repository

$ npm install workjs-core

Controller JavaScript Example (book.js)

var Base = require('basejs');

var BookController = Base.extend(
     * Get all book list
     * @Uri("/book")
     * @Method("GET")
    getBookList: function(req, res, workJS) {
     * Get book information by ISBN
     * @Uri("/book/:isbn")
     * @Method("GET")
    getBookInfo: function(req, res, workJS) {
     * Create book
     * @Uri("/book")
     * @Method("POST")
    createBook: function(req, res, workJS) {
     * Modify book
     * @Uri("/book/:isbn")
     * @Method("PUT")
    modifyBook: function(req, res, workJS) {
     * Delete book
     * @Uri("/book/:isbn")
     * @Method("DELETE")
    deleteBook: function(req, res, workJS) {

module.exports = BookController;

Create first WorkJS App

Create a bootstrap JavaScript file (app.js) as follows:

var WorkCore = require('workjs-core');

var workCore = new WorkCore({
  // your controller's path
  controllerPath: [__dirname + '/controller']

Run it

# run by nodejs
$ sudo node app.js

WorkJS default is bind on localhost:80 port. Open your browser and go

Configrations (Example)

Parameter Default Note
port 3000 Server port
host localhost Server host
controllerPath ./controller directory Controller JS file path
cors true Enable CORS Header for corss domain web server
staticPath ./public directory HTTP document root

Future Work

  • Integrate APIDoc to defined router.


Apache License 2.0

Package Sidebar


npm i workjs-core

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Apache 2.0

Last publish


  • samejack