TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

4.67.0 • Public • Published


WordPress TypeScript Definitions

This package provides well-documented TypeScript definitions that describe the shape of:

  • WordPress PHP objects such as WP_Post, WP_Term, and WP_User
  • WordPress REST API responses such as from /wp/v2/posts and /wp/v2/users
  • Various property types and allowed values of both

The definitions were last updated for WordPress 6.7.

What's included?

Interfaces for PHP objects

  • WP_Post
  • WP_Term
  • WP_User
  • WP_Comment
  • WP_Error
  • WP_Query
  • WP_Block
  • WP_Block_Type
  • WP_Block_Template
  • WP_Site
  • WP_Locale
  • WP_Taxonomy
  • WP_Post_Type
  • WP_Role
  • WP_Network
  • WP_Screen

Interfaces for REST API response objects

Route Schema
/wp/v2/block-directory/search WP_REST_API_Block_Directory_Items
/wp/v2/block-patterns/categories WP_REST_API_Block_Pattern_Categories
/wp/v2/block-patterns/patterns WP_REST_API_Block_Patterns
/wp/v2/block-renderer/{name} WP_REST_API_Rendered_Block
/wp/v2/block-types WP_REST_API_Block_Types
/wp/v2/block-types/{namespace} WP_REST_API_Block_Type
/wp/v2/block-types/{namespace}/{name} WP_REST_API_Block_Type
/wp/v2/blocks WP_REST_API_Blocks
/wp/v2/blocks/{id} WP_REST_API_Block
/wp/v2/blocks/{id}/autosaves Todo
/wp/v2/blocks/{parent}/autosaves/{id} Todo
/wp/v2/blocks/{parent}/revisions WP_REST_API_Revisions
/wp/v2/blocks/{parent}/revisions/{id} WP_REST_API_Revision
/wp/v2/categories WP_REST_API_Categories
/wp/v2/categories/{id} WP_REST_API_Category
/wp/v2/comments WP_REST_API_Comments
/wp/v2/comments/{id} WP_REST_API_Comment
/wp/v2/font-collections WP_REST_API_Font_Collections
/wp/v2/font-collections/{slug} WP_REST_API_Font_Collection
/wp/v2/font-families WP_REST_API_Font_Families
/wp/v2/font-families/{id}/ WP_REST_API_Font_Family
/wp/v2/font-families/{parent}/font-faces WP_REST_API_Font_Faces
/wp/v2/font-families/{parent}/font-faces/{id} WP_REST_API_Font_Face
/wp/v2/global-styles/{id} WP_REST_API_Global_Style_Variation
/wp/v2/global-styles/{parent}/revisions Todo
/wp/v2/global-styles/{parent}/revisions/{id} Todo
/wp/v2/global-styles/themes/{stylesheet} WP_REST_API_Global_Style_Config
/wp/v2/global-styles/themes/{stylesheet}/variations WP_REST_API_Global_Style_Variations
/wp/v2/media WP_REST_API_Attachments
/wp/v2/media/{id} WP_REST_API_Attachment
/wp/v2/media/{id}/edit Todo
/wp/v2/media/{id}/post-process Todo
/wp/v2/menu-items WP_REST_API_Menu_Items
/wp/v2/menu-items/{id} WP_REST_API_Menu_Item
/wp/v2/menu-items/{id}/autosaves Todo
/wp/v2/menu-items/{parent}/autosaves/{id} Todo
/wp/v2/menu-locations WP_REST_API_Menu_Locations
/wp/v2/menu-locations/{location} WP_REST_API_Menu_Location
/wp/v2/menus WP_REST_API_Menus
/wp/v2/menus/{id} WP_REST_API_Menu
/wp/v2/navigation WP_REST_API_Navigation_Menus
/wp/v2/navigation/{id} WP_REST_API_Navigation_Menu
/wp/v2/navigation/{id}/autosaves Todo
/wp/v2/navigation/{parent}/autosaves/{id} Todo
/wp/v2/navigation/{parent}/revisions Todo
/wp/v2/navigation/{parent}/revisions/{id} Todo
/wp/v2/pages WP_REST_API_Pages
/wp/v2/pages/{id} WP_REST_API_Page
/wp/v2/pages/{id}/autosaves Todo
/wp/v2/pages/{parent}/autosaves/{id} Todo
/wp/v2/pages/{parent}/revisions WP_REST_API_Revisions
/wp/v2/pages/{parent}/revisions/{id} WP_REST_API_Revision
/wp/v2/pattern-directory/patterns WP_REST_API_Pattern_Directory_Patterns
/wp/v2/plugins WP_REST_API_Plugins
/wp/v2/plugins/{plugin} WP_REST_API_Plugin
/wp/v2/posts WP_REST_API_Posts
/wp/v2/posts/{id} WP_REST_API_Post
/wp/v2/posts/{id}/autosaves Todo
/wp/v2/posts/{parent}/autosaves/{id} Todo
/wp/v2/posts/{parent}/revisions WP_REST_API_Revisions
/wp/v2/posts/{parent}/revisions/{id} WP_REST_API_Revision
/wp/v2/search WP_REST_API_Search_Results
/wp/v2/settings WP_REST_API_Settings
/wp/v2/sidebars Todo
/wp/v2/sidebars/{id} Todo
/wp/v2/statuses WP_REST_API_Statuses
/wp/v2/statuses/{status} WP_REST_API_Status
/wp/v2/tags WP_REST_API_Tags
/wp/v2/tags/{id} WP_REST_API_Tag
/wp/v2/taxonomies WP_REST_API_Taxonomies
/wp/v2/taxonomies/{taxonomy} WP_REST_API_Taxonomy
/wp/v2/template-parts Todo
/wp/v2/template-parts/{id} Todo
/wp/v2/template-parts/{id}/autosaves Todo
/wp/v2/template-parts/{parent}/autosaves/{id} Todo
/wp/v2/template-parts/{parent}/revisions Todo
/wp/v2/template-parts/{parent}/revisions/{id} Todo
/wp/v2/template-parts/lookup Todo
/wp/v2/templates Todo
/wp/v2/templates/{id} Todo
/wp/v2/templates/{id}/autosaves Todo
/wp/v2/templates/{parent}/autosaves/{id} Todo
/wp/v2/templates/{parent}/revisions Todo
/wp/v2/templates/{parent}/revisions/{id} Todo
/wp/v2/templates/lookup Todo
/wp/v2/themes Todo
/wp/v2/themes/{stylesheet} Todo
/wp/v2/types WP_REST_API_Types
/wp/v2/types/{type} WP_REST_API_Type
/wp/v2/users WP_REST_API_Users
/wp/v2/users/({id}|me) WP_REST_API_User
/wp/v2/users/({id}|me)/application-passwords WP_REST_API_Application_Passwords
/wp/v2/users/({id}|me)/application-passwords/{uuid} WP_REST_API_Application_Password
/wp/v2/users/({id}|me)/application-passwords/introspect WP_REST_API_Application_Password
/wp/v2/widget-types Todo
/wp/v2/widget-types/{id} Todo
/wp/v2/widget-types/{id}/encode Todo
/wp/v2/widget-types/{id}/render Todo
/wp/v2/widgets Todo
/wp/v2/widgets/{id} Todo
/wp/v2/wp_pattern_category Todo
/wp/v2/wp_pattern_category/{id} Todo
Any enveloped REST API response WP_REST_API_Envelope<T>
Any REST API error WP_REST_API_Error


Interfaces are used for the structure of several properties:

  • WP_Error_Data
  • WP_Error_Messages
  • WP_Post_Type_Caps
  • WP_Post_Type_Labels
  • WP_Post_Type_Rewrite
  • WP_Taxonomy_Caps
  • WP_Taxonomy_Labels
  • WP_Taxonomy_Rewrite
  • WP_User_Cap_Name
  • WP_User_Caps
  • WP_User_Data


String enums are used for values of several properties:

  • WP_Comment_Status_Name
  • WP_Comment_Type_Name
  • WP_HTTP_Status_Code
  • WP_Post_Comment_Status_Name
  • WP_Post_Format_Name
  • WP_Post_Status_Name
  • WP_Post_Type_Name
  • WP_Taxonomy_Name
  • WP_User_Role_Name


npm install wp-types --save-dev


This package is versioned so that you can specify both the schema version and the WordPress branch version in a way that's compatible with semantic versioning. Given version x.y.z:

  • The major version number (x) indicates the schema version number, currently 4
  • The minor version number (y) indicates the WordPress branch version number without its decimal place, eg. 67 for WordPress 6.7
  • The patch version number (z) indicates the schema patch version number


  • ^4.0.0 - Schema version 4 for the latest WordPress version
  • ~4.67.0 - Schema version 4 for WordPress 6.7
  • ~3.57.0 - Schema version 3 for WordPress 5.7


Usage with objects from PHP represented as JSON:

import type { WP_Post } from 'wp-types';

function get_title( post: WP_Post ): string {
	return post.post_title;

Usage with the REST API, for example when using apiFetch():

import type {
} from 'wp-types';

// Posts, Pages, and custom post types:
const api: Promise<WP_REST_API_Posts> = wp.apiFetch( {
	path: '/wp/v2/posts/',
} );

// Users:
const api: Promise<WP_REST_API_Users> = wp.apiFetch( {
	path: '/wp/v2/users/',
} );

// Media attachments:
const api: Promise<WP_REST_API_Attachments> = wp.apiFetch( {
	path: '/wp/v2/media/',
} );

// Enveloped responses (with `?_envelope`):
const api: Promise<WP_REST_API_Envelope<WP_REST_API_Tags>> = wp.apiFetch( {
	path: '/wp/v2/tags/?_envelope',
} );

// Errors from any of the above:
api.catch( ( error: WP_REST_API_Error ) => {
	alert( error.message );
} );

Usage with entity records:

import type {
} from 'wp-types';

const category = getEntityRecord<WP_REST_API_Category>(

const term = getEntityRecord<WP_REST_API_Term>(

const posts = getEntityRecords<WP_REST_API_Posts>(


When do these definitions apply?

The PHP object schemas apply whenever a supported PHP object is encoded to JSON. For example:

	'let wpPost = %s;',
	wp_json_encode( get_post() )

The REST API object schemas apply to the response to a REST API request or entity record request. Examples:

const api = wp.apiFetch( {
	path: '/wp/v2/categories/'
} );
const category = getEntityRecord(

const posts = getEntityRecords(

The definitions also apply outside of the browser, for example if you're saving data as JSON and reading it in a Node application.

How do I know these definitions are valid?

They're generated directly from the wp-json-schemas package, which is itself tested using output from WordPress core.

If you'd like to contribute to these definitions, please contribute upstream to the wp-json-schemas package. Thanks!

Can I use the enums as values in my code?

Yes, but:

  • You might need preserveConstEnums enabled in your TypeScript config
  • You should import enums as you would a regular module, not as a type
  • You cannot iterate enums (this is a TypeScript restriction)


import { WP_Post_Type_Name } from 'wp-types';

console.log( WP_Post_Type_Name.auto_draft );

How are these definitions different to @wordpress/core-data?

The @wordpress/core-data package includes TypeScript definitions for some WordPress data types. These packages don't "compete", they can be complimentary, and there are advantages and disadvantages to using one over the other depending on your use case.

Advantages of wp-types

  • wp-types contains definitions for all WordPress REST API endpoints and data types, whereas @wordpress/core-data includes only the data types used by the core data store
  • wp-types is automatically tested against each new version of WordPress, whereas @wordpress/core-data is not and the can get out of date
  • @wordpress/core-data is a full data store implementation library, not just the type definitions

Advantages of @wordpress/core-data

  • @wordpress/core-data includes separate type definitions for the view, edit, and embed contexts, whereas wp-types includes only the combined view and edit contexts (although this will hopefully change in the future)
  • @wordpress/core-data includes separate type definitions for the different data structure that needs to be sent to some endpoints for POST and PUT requests, whereas wp-types does not (although this will also hopefully change in the future)
  • If you're already using the @wordpress/core-data API in a TypeScript project and you don't need type definitions for anything beyond the core data store, then there is no need to use wp-types





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