reads an sql script file and writes it to a requireable javascript file that returns said sql script as string, switches out parameters which it then includes in the function call this is a node tool
- require wrap_sql
- pass in the following parameters (filename without extension as string, array of parameters, array of parameter values to replace)
- execute in cmd.exe
node your_app_name.js
SQL script for file example_GL_sum.sql
--example starts here
select sum(Amount) as Amount from [Comp Name$G_L Entry] --table_name param company
where [G_L Account No_] like '777%' --switched for GL_no variable
and [Global Dimension 1 Code] in ('_NVT','') --switched for Interco_code variable
####IMPORTANT NOTE: EMPTY LINES WILL NOW BE REMOVED; preventing the file-function not closing at the end. ####If you still want to use line break you will have to enter a SQL comment create a js file in the same directory as example_GL_sum.sql by entering the following parameters in the wrap_SQL.js function as shown below
//CONFIG PARAMS (filename, [parameter names], [parameter values to replace])
let wrap_sql = require("wrap_sql")
wrap_sql("example_GL_sum",//name of import file will be same as export file, extension will be .js
["company","GL_no", "interco_code"], //variable/parameter names
["Comp Name", "777%", "'_NVT',''"] //values of above parameters to replace
RESULT:SQL Code wrapped and parameterized in JS
module.exports = function(company,GL_no,interco_code){
return " "/*--example starts here*/+
"select sum(Amount) as Amount from ["+company+"$G_L Entry] "/*--table_name param company*/+
"where [G_L Account No_] like '"+GL_no+"' "/*--switched for GL_no variable*/+
"and [Global Dimension 1 Code] in ("+interco_code+") "/*--switched for Interco_code variable*/+
" "/*--end*/+
I run a node reporting server that uses tedious to deliver parameterized reports through emails and websites to intranet users. after wrapping the n-teenth SQL report in quotations and making sure I didnt forget to replace any variables out, I got sick of it. I needed this because our company uses an old ERP package that programmatically parameterizes the SQL tablenames. To date I have wrapped ((143-1)/2) SQL queries. SQL does not allow for tablename paramtererization so was not able to use tedious for all parameters.