This web-component allows you to run tests and display the results.
To use one of these components, you need to use xinjs. You can load the component in code, e.g.
import { makeComponent } from 'xinjs'
import blueprint from 'xin-error-component'
const xinError = makeBlueprint('xin-error', blueprint).creator
document.body.append(xinError({description: 'always fails', async test(){ return false }}))
const { makeComponent } = await import('')
const blueprint = (await import('.../path/to/blueprint.js')).default
const { creator, type } = makeBlueprint('some-tag', blueprint)
<xin-error delay="2000" expect="2">
return 1 + 1
description of the test (defaults to the code) -
delay in ms before executing the test -
"true" by default; JSON encoded value for expected outcome -
holds the outcome of the test
a function, asynchronous or not, that returns a value
This project is designed for use with Bun.
The blueprint code is ./src/blueprint.ts
and unless it's complicated there's no reason
it can't all be in one source file.
exercises your blueprint.
To install dependencies:
bun install
To run:
bun start