Extension for xliffmerge to splitting to smaller partials and merging back target translation and state to original xliffmerge files
- you need to have xliffmerge.json defined languages and genDir
## fing xliffmerge config and extract transaltions by modules in split-module.json
## merge back extracted files
xliffsplit -m
Option | Meaning | Type | Default |
--splitModule | Json with locations of modules which will be splitted, resolved by anymatch, directory of file, {paths: {[nameOfModule]: relative path from root of project }} |
string | ./split-module.json |
--profile | similar to xliffmerge -profile , define path to xliffmerge.json |
string | ./xliffmerge.json |
--merge, -m | Reverse splitted modules, merge all partials to original xliffmerge files |
boolean | false |
--syncMode, -s | do Synchronize merge, in default is disable and all langs are merge parallel | boolean | false |
--format, -f | format which used for merging and extracting xlf xlf2 xmb xtb
sring | xlf2 |