pure | mod
code style | standard
Hyperdimensional lockbox
A variant implementation of OFFS technique.
No way to tell how many entries an archive contains. Each pad in the archive might or might not be part of multiple files.
- Sits ontop of random-access-storage (works in browser + node)
- XOR-pad encrypts contents (default 7 pads)
- Unknown total amount of files
- Unique key for each file
- Uses blake3 to hash pads into keys
yarn add xorchive
const raf = require('random-access-file')
const Xorchive = require('xorchive')
const xfs = new Xorchive(raf('myStuff/'), nPads = 7)
let k1 = await xfs.store(readFileSync('~/secret_evidence.md'))
const k2 = await xfs.store(readFileSync('~/README.md'))
// Each key is (32 * nPads) bytes in size
const doc = await xfs.recover(k2)
let k1 = null // secret_evidence.md is now lost forever,
// and there's no proof of it ever having been stored.
new Xorchive(storage, nPads = 7, padSize = 128kB, hashSize = 32)
Initialized a new archive.
number of random pads to use for chunk encryption.padSize
the size of a pad. defaults to128 << 10
blake3 hashSize
Encrypts your data as data.length / padSize
chunks and
returns a Promise for a key
-buffer containing all the hashes of the pads
used during encryption.
accepts Buffer, UInt8Array and Array
Attempts to find all the pads referenced in the key and reconstruct the original data.
returns a Promsie that resolves to your original data if the key is valid.
_____ _ _ _| __ \ Help Wanted! | | | | | || | | | ___ ___ ___ _ __ | |_| | __ _| |__ ___ ___ ___| | | |/ _ \/ __/ _ \ '_ \| __| | / _` | '_ \/ __| / __|/ _ \| |__| | __/ (_| __/ | | | |_| |___| (_| | |_) \__ \_\__ \ __/|_____/ \___|\___\___|_| |_|\__|______\__,_|_.__/|___(_)___/\___| If you're reading this it means that the docs are missing or in a bad state. Writing and maintaining friendly and useful documentation takeseffort and time. In order to do faster releasesI will from now on provide documentation relational to project activity. __How_to_Help____________________________________. | | | - Open an issue if you have ANY questions! :) | | - Star this repo if you found it interesting | | - Fork off & help document <3 | |.________________________________________________| I publish all of my work as Libre software and will continue to do so,drop me a penny at Patreon to help fund experiments like these. Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/decentlabsDiscord: https://discord.gg/K5XjmZxTelegram: https://t.me/decentlabs_se
- added API docs
- "fixed" data-length returned by Xorchive#recover() in most cases
- added pad rotatation by oridnal to make the order of pads significant.
- fixed chunked store/recover
- first release
By making a pull request, you agree to release your modifications under the license stated in the next section.
Only changesets by human contributors will be accepted.
GNU AGPLv3 © Tony Ivanov