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Scrape comments (including replies) from a YouTube video and present as a stream


This is a stream wrapper around youtube-comment-api, which itself is a Promise wrapper around youtube-comments-task

It presents a readable object stream returning individual comments as objects. For a full description of the returned comment object see documentation for youtube-comments-task


npm install --save youtube-comments-stream

API Summary

The module contains four functions:


Read all comments from a video

const commentsStream = require('youtube-comments-stream');
const VIDEO_ID = 'HVv-oBN6AWA';
const stream = commentsStream(VIDEO_ID);
stream.on('data', function (comment) {
stream.on('error', function (err) {
    console.error('ERROR READING COMMENTS:', err)
stream.on('end', function () {
    console.log('NO MORE COMMENTS');

Read only the first 5 comments from a video

const commentsStream = require('youtube-comments-stream');
const VIDEO_ID = 'HVv-oBN6AWA';
const MAX_COMMENTS = 5;
const limit = commentsStream.limit(MAX_COMMENTS);
const stream = commentsStream.get(VIDEO_ID).pipe(limit);
stream.on('data', function (comment) {
/* ... */

Read comments by author

(that appear in the first 1000 video comments)

const commentsStream = require('youtube-comments-stream');
const VIDEO_ID = 'kpaFizGUJg8';
const MAX_COMMENTS = 1000;
const AUTHOR = 'nokomis mn';
const limit = commentsStream.limit(MAX_COMMENTS);
const filter = commentsStream.filter(comment => === AUTHOR);
const stream = commentsStream.get(VIDEO_ID).pipe(limit).pipe(filter);
stream.on('data', function (comment) {
/* ... */

Read the first 8 comments that contain the text "NASA"

const commentsStream = require('youtube-comments-stream');
const VIDEO_ID = 'ZuToYSYdJS0';
const REGEX = /nasa/i;
const MAX_COMMENTS = 8;
const filter = commentsStream.filter(comment => REGEX.test(comment.text));
const limit = commentsStream.limit(MAX_COMMENTS);
const stream = commentsStream.get(VIDEO_ID).pipe(filter).pipe(limit);
stream.on('data', function (comment) {
/* ... */

API Details


Get a readable stream of all comments from the video

VIDEO_ID is the "v" parameter of the video URL, eg if the URL is then it is "HVv-oBN6AWA"

Module alias

For convenience the module itself is an alias for get(), ie

const commentsStream = require('youtube-comments-stream');
const stream = commentsStream(VIDEO_ID);
// exactly the same as
const stream = commentsStream.get(VIDEO_ID);


Get a transform stream to limit the number of items in a comments stream

MAX_COMMENTS is a numeric value. The stream will end once it has provided this number of comments or if it ends naturally before reaching this amount


Get a transform stream to filter a comments stream

FILTER_FN is a function that receives a comment object as a parameter and returns a boolean, eg

function isCommentByJohn(comment) {
    return === 'john';
const filter = commentsStream.filter(isCommentByJohn);
const stream = commentsStream.get(VIDEO_ID).pipe(filter);

or, using ES6, we can write this much more succinctly as

const filter = commentsStream.filter(comment => === 'john');
const stream = commentsStream.get(VIDEO_ID).pipe(filter);

Order of filter/limit transforms

It should be clear that the order of transforms is significant, ie

const limit = commentsStream.limit(10);
const filter = commentsStream.filter(comment => === 'john');
// get first 10 comments by john
const stream1 = commentsStream.get(VIDEO_ID).pipe(filter).pipe(limit);
// only get comments by john that are within the first 10 comments
const stream2 = commentsStream.get(VIDEO_ID).pipe(limit).pipe(filter);


Get a mock comments stream (for testing)

COMMENTS is an array of objects that will be returned by the mock stream, eg

const mockComments = [
    { author: 'john', text: 'Some comment' },
    { author: 'jane', text: 'Another comment' },
    { author: 'bob', text: 'An answer by bob' }
const mockStream = commentsStream.mock(mockComments);

Mocking errors

If a mock comment object contains a type which contains the word "error" then this will cause the mock stream to emit an error when it reads this comment, eg

const mockComments = [
    { author: 'john', text: 'Some comment' },
    { author: 'jane', text: 'Another comment' },
    { type: 'some error', message: 'whoops, something has gone wrong' }, // will emit an error
    { author: 'bob', text: 'An answer by bob' }
const mockStream = commentsStream.mock(mockComments);

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