This package has been deprecated

Author message:

Deprecated in favor of pixi-ease.


1.6.8 • Public • Published

This library is deprecated. Try its replacement pixi-ease on github or npm. Same functionality, new packaging, better events and easier cleanup.


yet another javascript animation library (designed specifically for games and PIXI.js)

Live Example


npm install yy-animate

API Reference



animate object's {x, y} using an angle


Rotates an object to face the target


animate a movie of textures


shakes an object or list of objects


move an object to a target's location


changes the tint of an object


animate any numeric parameter of an object or array of objects


base class for all animations


load(object(s), load, [options])

restart an animation = require(a saved state


animate object's {x, y} using an angle

Kind: global class

new angle(object, angle, speed, [duration], [options])

Param Type Default Description
object object to animate
angle number in radians
speed number in pixels/millisecond
[duration] number 0 in milliseconds; if 0, then continues forever
[options] object @see Wait


Rotates an object to face the target

Kind: global class

new face(object, target, speed, [options])

Param Type Description
object object
target Point
speed number in radians/millisecond
[options] object @see Wait
[options.keepAlive] boolean don't stop animation when complete


animate a movie of textures

Kind: global class
Examples: // animate sprite to (20, 20) over 1s using easeInOuTsine, and then reverse the animation new, [texture1, texture2, texture3], 500);

new movie(object, textures, [duration], [options])

Param Type Default Description
object object to animate
textures array parameters to animate, e.g.: {alpha: 5, scale: {x, 5} rotation: Math.PI}
[duration] number 0 time to run (use 0 for infinite duration--should only be used with customized easing functions)
[options] object
[options.wait] number 0 n milliseconds before starting animation (can also be used to pause animation for a length of time)
[options.pause] boolean start the animation paused
[options.repeat] boolean | number true: repeat animation forever; n: repeat animation n times
[options.reverse] boolean | number true: reverse animation (if combined with repeat, then pulse); n: reverse animation n times
[options.continue] boolean | number true: continue animation with new starting values; n: continue animation n times
[options.load] function loads an animation using a .save() object; note the * parameters below cannot be loaded and must be re-set
[options.ease] function function from easing.js (see for examples)*
[options.renderer] Renderer sets Renderer.dirty for each loop*
[options.onDone] function function pointer for when the animation expires*
[options.onCancel] function function pointer called after cancelled*
[options.onWait] function function pointer for wait*
[options.onFirst] function function pointer for first time update is called (does not include pause or wait time)*
[options.onEach] function function pointer called after each update*
[options.onLoop] function function pointer called after a revere, repeat, or continue*


shakes an object or list of objects

Kind: global class

new shake(object, amount, duration, options)

Param Type Description
object object | array or list of objects to shake
amount number to shake
duration number (in milliseconds) to shake
options object (see Animate.wait)


move an object to a target's location

Kind: global class

new target(object, target, speed, [options])

move to a target

Param Type Description
object object object to animate
target object object needs to contain {x: x, y: y}
speed number number of pixels to move per millisecond
[options] object @see Wait
[options.keepAlive] boolean don't cancel the animation when target is reached


changes the tint of an object

Kind: global class

new tint(object, tint, [duration], [options])

Param Type Default Description
object PIXI.DisplayObject | Array.<PIXI.DisplayObject>
tint number
[duration] number 0 in milliseconds, if 0, repeat forever
[options] object @see Wait


animate any numeric parameter of an object or array of objects

Kind: global class
Examples: // animate sprite to (20, 20) over 1s using easeInOuTsine, and then reverse the animation new, {x: 20, y: 20}, 1000, {reverse: true, ease: Easing.easeInOutSine});

// animate list of sprites to a scale over 10s after waiting 1s new[sprite1, sprite2, sprite3], {scale: {x: 0.25, y: 0.25}}, 10000, {wait: 1000});

new to(object, goto, [duration], [options])

Param Type Default Description
object object to animate
goto object parameters to animate, e.g.: {alpha: 5, scale: {x, 5} rotation: Math.PI}
[duration] number 0 time to run (use 0 for infinite duration--should only be used with customized easing functions)
[options] object
[options.wait] number 0 n milliseconds before starting animation (can also be used to pause animation for a length of time)
[options.pause] boolean start the animation paused
[options.repeat] boolean | number true: repeat animation forever; n: repeat animation n times
[options.reverse] boolean | number true: reverse animation (if combined with repeat, then pulse); n: reverse animation n times
[options.continue] boolean | number true: continue animation with new starting values; n: continue animation n times
[options.orphan] boolean delete animation if .parent of object (or first object in list) is null
[options.load] function loads an animation using an .save() object; note the * parameters below cannot be loaded and must be re-set
[options.ease] function function from easing.js (see for examples)*
[options.renderer] Renderer sets Renderer.dirty for each loop*
[options.onDone] function function pointer for when the animation expires*
[options.onCancel] function function pointer called after cancelled*
[options.onWait] function function pointer for wait*
[options.onFirst] function function pointer for first time update is called (does not include pause or wait time)*
[options.onEach] function function pointer called after each update*
[options.onLoop] function function pointer called after a revere, repeat, or continue*


base class for all animations

Kind: global class

new wait(object, [options])

Param Type Default Description
object object to animate
[options] object
[options.wait] number 0 n milliseconds before starting animation (can also be used to pause animation for a length of time)
[options.pause] boolean start the animation paused
[options.repeat] boolean | number true: repeat animation forever; n: repeat animation n times
[options.reverse] boolean | number true: reverse animation (if combined with repeat, then pulse); n: reverse animation n times
[options.continue] boolean | number true: continue animation with new starting values; n: continue animation n times
[] number user-generated id (e.g., I use it to properly load animations when an object has multiple animations running)
[options.orphan] boolean delete animation if .parent of object (or first object in list) is null
[options.load] function loads an animation using an .save() object; note the * parameters below cannot be loaded and must be re-set
[options.ease] function | string function (or penner function name) from easing.js (see for examples)*
[options.renderer] Renderer sets Renderer.dirty for each loop*
[options.onDone] function function pointer for when the animation expires*
[options.onCancel] function function pointer called after cancelled*
[options.onWait] function function pointer for wait*
[options.onFirst] function function pointer for first time update is called (does not include pause or wait time)*
[options.onEach] function function pointer called after each update*
[options.onLoop] function function pointer called after a revere, repeat, or continue*

load(object(s), load, [options])

restart an animation = require(a saved state

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
object(s) object to animate (cannot be saved)
load object object = require(.save()
[options] object include any additional options that cannot be saved (e.g., onDone function pointer)

Copyright (c) 2016 YOPEY YOPEY LLC - MIT License - Documented by jsdoc-to-markdown




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  • davidfig