
0.1.1 • Public • Published


The bug has been fixed but I have not had time to look at the code. This whole module obviously needs a lot of work but I am not currently involved with zabbix things where I work.

Currently there is a bug where the client will crash when Zabbix's database is down. This is because Zabbix returns a HTML page from the API instead of returning a proper JSONRPC API error response. I have created a ticket on the Zabbix ticket tracker, until it gets fixed I will implement a change that will detect if we get HTML or JSON before parsing it.

You can see the status of the ticket here:


A small client for the Zabbix API based around the excellent request.js library.

I hacked this together quick because I needed a way to pull data from Zabbix into node for a project.

How to use

As per the Zabbix API you MUST get the api version first, and then authenticate to do pretty much anything.

Look in the examples folder for how it's done :)

I can't promise I won't change how this works with regards to how the module is structured, but it will stay pretty much the same :)


Please let me know if I have done something in a stupid way, or you have suggestions or whatnot.

I am on IRC (Freenode) with the same nick as here, or just contact me here.

This is my first node.js module, and basically the first thing I've done in javascript too, so I bet there are mistakes and things to learn.

I will be adding more features and useful things as I go along, as well as make a full test suite with Mocha, I just need to learn it first.



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