Redux clients for Zcash Daemon
Library currently under development, will undergo further breaking changes. Not ready for production use.
yarn add zcash-redux
npm i zcash-redux
You can import the reducer into your application and add
it as a child reducer with combineReducers
import { zReducer } from 'zcash-redux';
export default combineReducers({
header: headerReducer,
routing: routerReducer,
zcash: zReducer,
You can use the stateful client to make RPC calls which affect the store. Import the client, instantiate it and set the auth (and optionally the zcash_client_config).
import {
} from 'zcash-redux';
const client = new zClient();
// set zcash_auth and zcash_client_config if not already in the store
username: 'myrpcusername',
password: 'myrpcpassword',
// http://localhost:8232 is the default so you may not have to do this
client_config: {
url: 'http://localhost:8232',
Now you can interact with zcashd:
client.z_gettotalbalance().then((info) => console.log(info));
This stores the return data in an attribute of the same name. So, any component that wants to use this data can:
connect((state) => ({
z_gettotalbalance: state.z_gettotalbalance,