
4.0.6 • Public • Published

Zipscene API Node.JS Client Library and Command Line Utility

This library is used to authenticate and send requests to the Zipscene API.

ZS API Command Line

This package includes a command line utility for calling RPC API functions and querying data.


To install, npm install -g zipscene-api-client and ensure that the zsapi executable file is in your PATH.


Configuration for the CLI is not required for normal use, but can be used to store authentication credentials (so they don't have to be entered every time) and configure different endpoints.

The configuration file defaults can be found in the file zipscene-api-client-defaults.conf. littleconf is used to load configuration, so the override config file can be specified in a few different ways:

  • (recommended) A file in your home directory (ex, .zipscene-api-client.conf), pointed to by the environment variable ZIPSCENE_API_CLIENT_CONFIG. To set this persistently: echo 'export ZIPSCENE_API_CLIENT_CONFIG=/path/to/.zipscene-api-client.conf' >> ~/.bashrc
  • A file called zipscene-api-client.conf located in the zipscene-api-client project directory.
  • Specified on the command line with the --config option.

An example config file might look like this: (all settings are optional)

    // Authentication information
    "auth": {
        // Specify username/password or auth token, both are not needed
        // If a username is specified with no password, the password is prompted for
        "username": "api username",
        "password": "xxxx",
        "accessToken": "xxxx"
    // Server configurations for API services
    "services": {
        "dmp": {
            "server": "",
            "routeVersion": 2
        "auth": { ... },
        "file": { ... }
    // Configuration environments
    // These settings override the normal config settings when the environment
    // is enabled by setting the NODE_ENV environment variable.
    "environments": {
        "local": {
            "dmp": {
                "server": "http://localhost:3000"


The zsapi command provides several subcommands. To get a list of available subcommands and usage information, type zsapi --help. To get usage for a specific subcommand (for example, 'rpc'), type: zsapi rpc --help.

Options that are common to most/all subcommands:

  • --config <filename> - Path to configuration file
  • --config-env <environment> - Configuration environment to use
  • --auth-server <url> - Authentication server to auth to
  • --username <username> - API username
  • --password <password> - Auth password. Not recommended on the command line. If not specified, a password will be prompted for.
  • --access-token <token> - Access token to use instead of username/password
  • --verbose - Print out verbose info, mostly raw requests/responses
  • --pretty - Pretty-print JSON output. Defaults to true. To disable, --no-pretty.
  • --server <url> - Override primary server to connect to for the operation

RPC Calls

RPC call to the default service (DMP): zsapi rpc -m person.query -p '{ "query": {}, "limit": 5 }'

Specify a service to call: zsapi rpc -s auth -m login -p '{ "email": "", "password": "xxxx" }'

Load params from file: zsapi rpc -m person.query --pfile /path/to/json/file

Auth Check

Authenticate and print out access token & auth header: zsapi auth

API Info

List service methods: zsapi info -l

Show method info: zsapi info -m event.query

List data models: zsapi info --listmodels

Show data model: zsapi info --model OrderGroup

Show full API info: zsapi info -a


Run query: zsapi query -p order -q '{ "brandId": "example" }'

Run query with limit, sort, fields, and timeout: zsapi query -p order -q '{}' -l 10 -s id -f id brandId items -t 60

Load query from file: zsapi query -p order --qfile /path/to/file

Fetch single object: zsapi get -p order -i 'objectid'

Count: zsapi count -p order -q '{}'

Run aggregate: zsapi agg -p order -q '{}' -a '{ aggregate spec }'

Run streaming export from DMP: zsapi export -p order -q '{}' --strategy stream

Run export through file service: zsapi export -p order -q '{}' --strategy file

Note that the default export strategy is determined by querying DMP to detect if the file service is enabled, and using it if so.

Node.JS Client

The Node.JS client is made up of 2 main classes, along with a few utility functions.


This is the main API client class for accessing Zipscene APIs. It provides facilities for authentication and making RPC API calls.

const { ZipsceneRPCClient } = require('zipscene-api-client');
const settings = {
    server: '', // URL of the service to connect to
    authServer: '', // URL of authentication service
    routeVersion: [JSON_RPC_APP_ROUTE_VERSION], // Route version to use for the service
    // Authentication can either provide a username/password
    username: 'example',
    password: 'hunter2',
    // Or an access token
    accessToken: 'xxxx',
    // Optionally log requests and responses to stderr for debugging
    logRequests: true
let client = new ZipsceneRPCClient(settings);
// Returns a Promise, resolves with the response data, or rejects with an XError
client.request('jsonrpc.method', {
    param: 'value'
// For methods that return data streams of newline-separated JSON objects instead of a
// json rpc response, requestStream returns a zstreams object stream.
client.requestStream('foo.export', {
    param: 'value'


This client provides a high-level interface for data retrieval. Each class instance is specific to a profile type and provides methods to query that profile type.

const { ZipsceneRPCClient, ZipsceneDataClient } = require('zipscene-api-client');
// Construct the DMP API RPC client
const dmpClientSettings = { ... };
let rpcClient = new ZipsceneRPCClient(dmpClientSettings);
// Construct the file service API RPC client
// This is optional, and only needed if using the 'file' export strategy
const fileServiceClientSettings = { ... };
let fileServiceClient = new ZipsceneRPCClient(fileServiceClientSettings);
// Construct the data client
let dataClient = new ZipsceneDataClient(rpcClient, 'profileType', {
    fileServiceClient: fileServiceClient
// Query
let resultArray = await dataClient.query({
    query object
}, {
    // Optional list of fields to retrieve
    fields: [ ... ],
    // Optional fields to sort by (prepend with '-' to reverse)
    sort: [ ... ],
    // Limit number of results
    limit: 100,
    // Query timeout (seconds)
    timeout: 60
// Get single object
let obj = await dataClient.get('id', { fields: ..., timeout: ... });
// Count query results
let count = await dataClient.count({ query }, { timeout: ... });
// Aggregate
let aggregateResults = await dataClient.aggregate({ query }, { aggregate spec }, {
    sort: [ ... ],
    limit: ...,
    // Maximum number of query results to scan
    scanLimit: 10000000,
    timeout: ...
// Export bulk data, returns a Readable object stream
let stream = await dataClient.export({ query }, {
    fields: [ ... ],
    sort: [ ... ],
    limit: [ ... ],
    timeout: [ ... ],
    // This defines the export strategy.  Two are current supported.  'stream' will
    // stream data directly from DMP as it is queried, and 'file' will instead save
    // a file to the file service, then download it and stream it.
    // The 'stream' strategy can sometimes be glitchy on certain connections due to
    // potential long gaps in times between received objects.  The 'file' strategy
    // won't return any results until the export is complete, and must have the
    // file service configured.  The default is to query DMP to check if DMP is configured
    // to use a file service, and use the 'file' strategy if so (and if the file service
    // client is configured).
    strategy: 'file'

Utility Constructor Methods

These methods are provided for convenience. They instantiate the client by loading configuration and/or from CLI options.

const { getRPCClient, getDataClient } = require('zipscene-api-client');
// Constructs an RPC client for the specified service
// argv is the optional parsed (as an object) cli argument object, it can contain the keys expected by the API client CLI
// config is the optional configuration object; if not specified, it is automatically loaded with littleconf
let rpcClient = await getRPCClient('dmp', argv, config);
// Constructs a data client for the given profile type, same deal
let dataClient = await getDataClient('person', argv, config);



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