This version contain no-backward compatible changes, please check the O(1) Labs has renamed SnarkyJS to o1js, effective immediately! for more details.
zkDatabase (aka zkdb
) from 1.0.0
will switch to o1js
as the underlying zkSNARK engine.
Data plays a critical role in any computational process, including the emerging Web3 era. In order to successfully transition to Web3, it is imperative to enhance accessibility and accuracy of data. The zkDatabase use a distributed storage engine that improves the availability of data. It utilizes Zero-Knowledge Proof to ensuring the correctness of data in verifiable manner. With zkDatabase, it's allow developers to focus on developing their ideas, rather than managing the complexities of data storage and management.
It's time for provable data.
npm install zkdb
import {
} from 'o1js';
import { Schema, ZKDatabaseStorage } from 'zkdb';
// Enable this to generate proofs
const doProofs = false;
// Height of the Merkle Tree
const merkleHeight = 8;
// Extend Merkle witness at the same height as the Merkle Tree
class MyMerkleWitness extends MerkleWitness(merkleHeight) {}
// Define the schema of the document
class Account extends Schema({
accountName: CircuitString,
balance: UInt32,
}) {
// Deserialize the document from a Uint8Array
static deserialize(data: Uint8Array): Account {
return new Account(Account.decode(data));
// Index the document by accountName
index(): { accountName: string } {
return {
accountName: this.accountName.toString(),
// Serialize the document to a json object
json(): { accountName: string; balance: string } {
return {
accountName: this.accountName.toString(),
balance: this.balance.toString(),
// Merkle Tree root commitment at the time of contract initialization
let initialCommitment: Field;
// A Piglet Bank contract
class PigletBank extends SmartContract {
@state(Field) root = State<Field>();
@method init() {
* Todo provide acuumulation of multiple records
* @param oldRecord
* @param newRecord
* @param merkleWitness
from: Account,
fromWitness: MyMerkleWitness,
to: Account,
toWitness: MyMerkleWitness,
value: UInt32
) {
// We fetch the on-chain merkle root commitment,
// Make sure it matches the one we have locally
let commitment = this.root.get();
// Make sure that from account is within the committed Merkle Tree
// We calculate the new Merkle Root, based on the record changes
let newCommitment = fromWitness.calculateRoot(
new Account({
accountName: from.accountName,
balance: from.balance.sub(value),
// Make sure that to account is within the committed Merkle Tree
// We calculate the new Merkle Root, based on the record changes
newCommitment = toWitness.calculateRoot(
new Account({
accountName: to.accountName,
balance: to.balance.add(value),
// Update the root state
(async () => {
type TNames = 'Bob' | 'Alice' | 'Charlie' | 'Olivia';
const accountNameList: TNames[] = ['Bob', 'Alice', 'Charlie', 'Olivia'];
let Local = Mina.LocalBlockchain({ proofsEnabled: doProofs });
let initialBalance = 10_000_000_000;
let feePayerKey = Local.testAccounts[0].privateKey;
let feePayer = Local.testAccounts[0].publicKey;
// the zkapp account
let zkappKey = PrivateKey.random();
let zkappAddress = zkappKey.toPublicKey();
// we now need "wrap" the Merkle tree around our off-chain storage
// we initialize a new Merkle Tree with height 8
const zkdb = await ZKDatabaseStorage.getInstance('zkdb-test', {
storageEngine: 'local',
storageEngineCfg: {
dataLocation: './data',
for (let i = 0; i < accountNameList.length; i++) {
const findRecord = zkdb.findOne('accountName', accountNameList[i]);
if (findRecord.isEmpty()) {
await zkdb.add(
new Account({
accountName: CircuitString.fromString(accountNameList[i]),
balance: UInt32.from(10000000),
`Account ${accountNameList[i]} created, balance: ${10000000}`
} else {
const account = await findRecord.load(Account);
`Load account ${
}, balance: ${account.balance.toString()}`
initialCommitment = await zkdb.getMerkleRoot();
console.log('Initial root:', initialCommitment.toString());
let zkAppPigletBank = new PigletBank(zkappAddress);
console.log('Deploying Piglet Bank..');
if (doProofs) {
await PigletBank.compile();
let tx = await Mina.transaction(feePayer, () => {
to: zkappAddress,
amount: initialBalance,
await tx.prove();
await tx.sign([feePayerKey, zkappKey]).send();
console.log('Do transaction..');
await transfer('Bob', 'Alice', 132);
await transfer('Alice', 'Charlie', 44);
await transfer('Charlie', 'Olivia', 82);
await transfer('Olivia', 'Bob', 50);
// Print the final balances
for (let i = 0; i < accountNameList.length; i++) {
const findResult = await zkdb.findOne('accountName', accountNameList[i]);
if (!findResult.isEmpty()) {
const account = await findResult.load(Account);
const { accountName, balance } = account.json();
console.log(`Final balance of ${accountName} :`, balance);
* Transfers a specified value from one account to another.
* @param fromName The name of the account to transfer from.
* @param toName The name of the account to transfer to.
* @param value The value to transfer.
async function transfer(fromName: TNames, toName: TNames, value: number) {
console.log(`Transfer from ${fromName} to ${toName} with ${value}..`);
// Find the account with the given name
const findFromAccount = await zkdb.findOne('accountName', fromName);
// Load the account instance from the database
const from = await findFromAccount.load(Account);
// Get merkle witness for the account
const fromWitness = new MyMerkleWitness(await findFromAccount.witness());
// Update the account with the new balance
await findFromAccount.update(
new Account({
accountName: from.accountName,
balance: from.balance.sub(value),
// Find the account with the given name
const findToAccount = await zkdb.findOne('accountName', toName);
// Load the account instance from the database
const to = await findToAccount.load(Account);
// Get merkle witness for the account
const toWitness = new MyMerkleWitness(await findToAccount.witness());
// Update the account with the new balance
await findToAccount.update(
new Account({
accountName: to.accountName,
balance: to.balance.add(value),
// Perform the transaction
let tx = await Mina.transaction(feePayer, () => {
await tx.prove();
await tx.sign([feePayerKey, zkappKey]).send();
// Make sure that off-chain Merkle Tree matches the on-chain Merkle Tree
zkAppPigletBank.root.get().assertEquals(await zkdb.getMerkleRoot());
- [ ] Add more test cases
- [ ] Support IPFS via Kubo RPC
- [ ] Improve ther performance of indexing engine
This project is licensed under the Apache License 2.0 - see the LICENSE file for details
built with ❤️