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1.0.1 • Public • Published

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Zonix is a command line interface integrated with the OpenAI artificial intelligence API designed to help you with your tasks quickly and easily. The CLI has a very nice authentication system where, through a command, the user can quickly login using their own API key. Its interface is very intuitive and with an organized color system to differentiate the messages of success, error and tips, in addition to having a minimum response time.


Install the zonix globally with

npm install -g zonix


The first command you must run in zonix is auth to authenticate using the OpenAI API key:

zonix auth --key API_KEY

Replace API_KEY with your generated key in: https://platform.openai.com/account/api-keys


You can use zonix in your preferred terminal, including in its terminal integrated in its code editor, which makes it easier to search for help during the development of your tasks.

Usage examples:

zonix generate-test --component ProductCard --path ./src/components/ProductCard/index.tsx
zonix translate --text 'zonix is the best CLI in the world' --language portuguese


Command Options Required Description
Performs a specific action Options for customizing action execution If the option is required Short text describing the command
auth -k or --key Command used for authentication in the OpenAI API.
generate-test -c or --component
-p or --path
-l or --library

Command used to create unit tests of your project's components. When passing the component's path, the test file is automatically generated in the component's folder.
translate -t or --text
-l or --language

Command used to translate a text quickly, regardless of the requested language.
hello -n or --name Command used to receive an AI greeting (used to check if zonix is working).


To contribute to the zonix project follow the steps mentioned below:

  1. Fork the zonix project.
  2. Clone the project (forked by you).
  3. Make necessary improvements, create new commands or fix a found bug.
  4. In case of creating a new command, you must add it to the command table of the README.md file, containing the name of the command, options, if the options are mandatory to execute the command or not, and a brief description of its functionality, following the standard.
  5. Log your change in the CHANGELOG.md file by following the keepachangelog documentation.
  6. Submit your Pull Request (PR) containing your changes.


Zonix is MIT licensed.

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  • brunomart97