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1.0.16 • Public • Published

🐾 Zustand Tracker

Zustand Tracker is a lightweight 🛠️ React component designed for debugging Zustand stores. It provides a visual, interactive panel to inspect the state of multiple stores in real-time. Perfect for developers who want to stay in control of their app state! 🚀

Zustand Tracker Demo

📦 Installation

npm install zustand-tracker


yarn add zustand-tracker

🎉 Features

  • Inspect Zustand stores in real-time.
  • Toggle visibility with Shift + Z.
  • Interactive UI for clear and structured data display.
  • Fully customizable styles.

🚀 Usage

Basic Example

Wrap the ZustandTracker in your application to debug Zustand stores.

import React from "react";
import { ZustandTracker } from "zustand-tracker";
import useYourStore from "./yourStore";

export default function App() {
  const yourStoreData = useYourStore((state) => state);

  return (
          YourStore: yourStoreData,
          // This is optional
          backgroundColor: "white",
          color: "black",
      {/* Your application components */}
      <div>Hello World</div>

📝 Props

stores (required)

  • Type: Record<string, unknown>
  • Description: The Zustand stores you want to debug. Provide the stores as a key-value pair, where each key is the store name and the value is the current state.

panelStyle (optional)

  • Type: CSSProperties

  • Description: Customize the style of the debug panel. The following properties can be customized:

    • position: The CSS position property for the panel. Default is "fixed".
    • top: Distance from the top of the viewport. Default is 0.
    • right: Distance from the right of the viewport. Default is 0.
    • width: Width of the debug panel. Default is "50vw".
    • height: Height of the debug panel. Default is "100vh".
    • background: Background color of the panel. Default is "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)".
    • color: Text color used in the panel. Default is "white".
    • zIndex: The z-index of the debug panel. Default is 9999.
    • overflowY: Control vertical overflow. Default is "auto".
    • padding: Padding inside the debug panel. Default is "20px".

⚠️ Warnings

If you're using Next.js, ensure you wrap the usage of ZustandTracker with "use client" to avoid server-side rendering issues:

"use client";

import React from "react";
import { ZustandTracker } from "zustand-tracker";

export default function DebugWrapper({
}: {
  children: React.ReactNode;
}) {
  return (
            /* Your stores here */

✨ Benefits

  • Simplifies debugging for Zustand stores.
  • Seamlessly integrates into your React app.
  • Provides an interactive, developer-friendly interface.

🛠️ Contribute

Feel free to contribute to this project by creating issues or submitting pull requests on GitHub.

❤️ Support

If you love Zustand Tracker, don't forget to ⭐ it on GitHub and share it with your friends!

Happy Debugging! 🐾

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  • yutoun