Vue component which acts as a draggable, resizable and rotateable container for any content.
- All the properties are reactive.
- Correct rotation based on vector geometry. Rotated container resizes correctly.
- Supports fixed aspect ratio which is applied correctly when container is rotated.
- Supports active (e.g. editable) content. For example you can create a draggable and resizable textbox and edit the text inside on double click.
- Supports both outer and inner boundaries, i.e. container will always contain inner boundary and outer boundary will always contain the container.
- DRR-containers could be nested, e.g. for editing tree-like structures.
(x; y) are the coordinates of the center of the container, not the left-top corner. It is because the container could be rotated and therefore we don't know which corner would be left-top.
Install with npm
npm i @minogin/vue-drag-resize-rotate
Add the following lines to your index.js (main.js):
import drr from '@minogin/vue-drag-resize-rotate'
Vue.component('drr', drr)
Use DRR in your Vue templates:
<img src="/static/cat.jpg" style="width: 100%; height: 100%" />
@dragstop="textboxDragStop(textbox, ...arguments)"
@resizestop="textboxResizeStop(textbox, ...arguments)"
@rotatestop="textboxRotateStop(textbox, ...arguments)"
<TextBox />
Type: Number
Required: true
Center of the container.
Please note!
(x; y) are the coordinates of the center of the container, not the left-top corner. It is because the container could be rotated and therefore we don't know which corner would be left-top.
Type: Number
Required: true
Width and height of the container.
Type: Number
Required: false
Default: 0
Rotation angle in degrees starting from up-axis.
Type: Boolean
Required: false
Default: false
Whether the container is selected and therefore able to be dragged, resized and rotated.
Type: Boolean
Required: false
Default: true
Whether the container could be selected by mouse click or touch.
Type: Boolean
Required: false
Default: true
Whether the container could be dragged.
Type: Boolean
Required: false
Default: true
Whether the container could be resized.
Type: Boolean
Required: false
Default: true
Whether the container could be rotated.
Type: Boolean
Required: false
Default: false
Whether to preserve aspect ratio on resize.
Type: Boolean
Required: false
Default: false
Setting this to true
means that there is some content in the container that could be activated by double click. For example editable text field, an image which enlarges or some active nested elements.
When content is activated by double click the container gets locked and every child receives 'active' event.
// In child component:
mounted() {
this.$on('active', this.onActive)
The container itself doesn't roll back to normal state on blur. The children must determine by themselves when the job is finished and send the 'content-inactive' event to the parent DRR like this:
// In child component:
Type: Object
Required: false
Default: null
A rectangular object
x: ...,
y: ...,
w: ...,
h: ...
which is the outer limit for DRR dragging and resizing. This boundary currently applies only to not rotated DRR. x and y are the coordinates of the center of the rectangle.
Type: Object
Required: false
Default: null
A rectangular object
x: ...,
y: ...,
w: ...,
h: ...
which is the inner limit for DRR dragging and resizing. It means that this rectangle will always be contained inside the container. This boundary currently applies only to not rotated DRR. x and y are the coordinates of the center of the rectangle.
Fires when container is selected (focused).
Fires when container loses focus by clicking outside of the container.
Please note! Currently clicking on another DRRs does not deselect current DRR. You must keep proper selection yourself using selected
: Object { x, y, w, h, angle }
- container coordinates on drag start
Fires on drag start.
: Object { x, y, w, h, angle }
- current container coordinates
Fires continuously while dragging
Please note! This event fires many times per second. Consider handler debouncing.
: Object { x, y, w, h, angle }
- final container coordinates
: Object { x, y, w, h, angle }
- initial container coordinates.
Fires when drag finishes.
: Object { x, y, w, h, angle }
- container coordinates on resize start.
Fires on resize start.
: Object { x, y, w, h, angle }
- current container coordinates
Fires continuously while resizing.
Please note! This event fires many times per second. Consider handler debouncing.
: Object { x, y, w, h, angle }
- final container coordinates
: Object { x, y, w, h, angle }
- initial container coordinates
Fires when resize finishes.
: Object { x, y, w, h, angle }
- container coordinates on rotation start.
Fires on rotation start.
: Object { x, y, w, h, angle }
- current container coordinates
Fires continuously while rotating.
Please note! This event fires many times per second. Consider handler debouncing.
: Object { x, y, w, h, angle }
- final container coordinates
: Object { x, y, w, h, angle }
- initial container coordinates
Fires when rotation finishes.
: Object { x, y, w, h, angle }
- final container coordinates\
Fired when drag, resize or rotate finishes.
Fired when container is double-clicked and hasActiveContent
property is set to true
. See hasActiveContent
Fired on every child component when container is double-clicked and hasActiveContent
property is set to true
. See hasActiveContent
Fired on every child when container receives 'content-inactive' event and hasActiveContent
property is set to true
. Might be useful to inactivate multiple children. See hasActiveContent
When container being in 'active content' state receives this event it returns to normal state. This event must be fired by children when content job is finished. See hasActiveContent
For the content (img, div, etc.) to resize along with the container use
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
style on the content element.
For nested text inputs use
position: absolute;
Please contact me at or at GitHub