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Gas Analytics plugin for Hardhat
Run mocha tests in parallel
Code PushUp plugin for tracking code coverage ☂
- Code PushUp
- plugin
- automation
- developer tools
- conformance
- code coverage
- unit tests
- testing
- KPI tracking
- automated feedback
- regression guard
- actionable feedback
- audit
Run multiple mocha suites and tests in parallel, from different processes and different machines. Results available on a redis database.
- mocha
- parallel
- parallel tests
- unit tests
- integration tests
- pipelines
- chai
- expect
- kubernetes
- docker
- mocha-parallel-tests
- mocha.parallel
- tests
Runtime free ReScript bindings for Ava
Use Less. Do More. JavaScript on steroids.
- javascript
- useless
- framework
- unit tests
- test driven
- metaprogramming
- traits
- mixins
- singleton
- functional
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Unit testing framework for TypeScript.
PostgreSQL Migration Tool for Node.js and NPM
ngx-mock-provider allows to easily mock any provider for Angular in unit tests
Headless / Browser JavaScript Unit Tester
Run mocha tests in parallel
Node.js MongoDB aggregation framework debugger methods
Test API for OpenVeo unit tests
<h1 align="center">Injecti</h1> <p align="center"><a href=""><img src="¢er=true&width=540&height=80&lines=First+class+dependency+injection+fo
Namespaced, merged suite names for Jasmine.
Hardhat plugin to track gas on the transaction level
An assertion library that reads very naturally.
Suitest is a powerful and easy-to-use JavaScript BDD test suite
Automate client-side unit testing in real browsers using the cli
Run mocha tests in parallel