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26 packages found
Javascript & Typescript wrapper to MapTiler Cloud API
- geocoding
- forward geocoding
- reverse geocoding
- batch geocoding
- coordinates
- geolocation
- static maps
- maptiler
- map
- wrapper
- cloud
Maintenance: 33%. Quality: 54%. Popularity: 6%.
Library for the i3-market non-repudiation protocol that helps generate/verifying the necessary proofs and the received block of data
- non-repudiation
- non-repudiation library
- conflict resolution
- conflict resolver service
- crs
- proof of origin
- poo
- proof of reception
- por
- proof of publication
- pop
- jws
- i3m
Maintenance: 20%. Quality: 61%. Popularity: 3%.
Reproject a Bounding Box
Maintenance: 29%. Quality: 42%. Popularity: 6%.
Providing Planetary IAU CRSs to Proj4js.
Maintenance: 33%. Quality: 41%. Popularity: 0%.
Gets EPSG Code for Various Inputs (incl. OGC WKT, ESRI WKT, GML, Mapfile, PROJ String, Proj4js String, XML)
Maintenance: 14%. Quality: 52%. Popularity: 5%.
The Conflict-Resolver Service (CSR) can be queried to provide a signed resolution about the non-repudiation protocol associated to an invoice being valid or invalid. It could be invoked by either the consumer or the provider. It is a core element of the C
Maintenance: 4%. Quality: 61%. Popularity: 2%.
is a package which gives you a possibility to run every [OpenSSL]( command in [Node.js]( in a handy way. Moreover, parameters like -in, -keyin, -config and etc can be replaced by a raw data ([Buffor](https:/
- openssl
- ssl
- certificate
- rsa
- encrypt
- decrypt
- verify
- public key
- private key
- sign
- openssl nodejs
- node openssl
- nodejs openssl
- key generation
- View more
Maintenance: None. Quality: 53%. Popularity: 5%.
GeoSpatial Affine Transformations for Humans
Maintenance: 10%. Quality: 42%. Popularity: 4%.
Proj4JS Projector Fully Loaded with Projections
Maintenance: 4%. Quality: 42%. Popularity: 6%.
This library provides connections to different travel CRSs. It also let you read and write data from/to them.
Maintenance: 4%. Quality: 52%. Popularity: 0%.
Projects geojson from any epsg-defined projection to any other defined epsg-defined projection
Maintenance: 14%. Quality: 41%. Popularity: 0%.
Get the EPSG Code for a GeoTIFF.
Maintenance: 6%. Quality: 42%. Popularity: 3%.
OpenSSL implementation for NodeJS
- openssl
- ssl
- certificate
- rsa
- encrypt
- decrypt
- verify
- public key
- private key
- sign
- openssl nodejs
- node openssl
- nodejs openssl
- key generation
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Maintenance: None. Quality: 53%. Popularity: 0%.
is a package which gives you a possibility to run every [OpenSSL]( command in [Node.js]( in a handy way. Moreover, parameters like -in, -keyin, -config and etc can be replaced by a raw data ([Buffor](https:/
- openssl
- ssl
- certificate
- rsa
- encrypt
- decrypt
- verify
- public key
- private key
- sign
- openssl nodejs
- node openssl
- nodejs openssl
- key generation
- View more
Maintenance: None. Quality: 53%. Popularity: 0%.
is a package which gives you a possibility to run every [OpenSSL]( command in [Node.js]( in a handy way. Moreover, parameters like -in, -keyin, -config and etc can be replaced by a raw data ([Buffor](https:/
- openssl
- ssl
- certificate
- rsa
- encrypt
- decrypt
- verify
- public key
- private key
- sign
- openssl nodejs
- node openssl
- nodejs openssl
- key generation
- View more
Maintenance: None. Quality: 53%. Popularity: 0%.
is a package which gives you a possibility to run every [OpenSSL]( command in [Node.js]( in a handy way. Moreover, parameters like -in, -keyin, -config and etc can be replaced by a raw data ([Buffor](https:/
- openssl
- ssl
- certificate
- rsa
- encrypt
- decrypt
- verify
- public key
- private key
- sign
- openssl nodejs
- node openssl
- nodejs openssl
- key generation
- View more
Maintenance: None. Quality: 53%. Popularity: 0%.
Modern Spatial Reference System Class. Supports EPSG Codes, PROJ4 String, and Well-Known Text.
Maintenance: 8%. Quality: 42%. Popularity: 1%.
reproject for geojson file
Maintenance: None. Quality: 51%. Popularity: 1%.
Parse WKT-CRS (Well-known text representation of coordinate reference systems)
Maintenance: 4%. Quality: 42%. Popularity: 3%.
Retrieve geographic projection information from an EPSG SRID
Maintenance: None. Quality: 52%. Popularity: 0%.