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React native action sheet with native android
A Cross Platform(Android & iOS) ActionSheet with a robust and flexible api, native performance and zero dependency code for react native. Create anything you want inside ActionSheet.
- bottom-animated
- react-native
- javascript
- actionsheet
- android
- ios
- action-sheet
- bottom-sheet
- bottom-drawer
- dialog
- picker
- modal
- drawer
- raw-bottom-sheet
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A custom action sheet component
A Cross Platform(Android & iOS) ActionSheet with a robust and flexible api, native performance and zero dependency code for react native. Create anything you want inside ActionSheet.
- bottom-animated
- react-native
- javascript
- actionsheet
- android
- ios
- action-sheet
- bottom-sheet
- bottom-drawer
- dialog
- picker
- modal
- drawer
- raw-bottom-sheet
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normalized JS Object and JSON message and event protocol for ES6+ node.js, browsers, electron, vanialla js, react.js, components, actions, stores and dispatchers
Action sheet with native-like design for iOS and Android.
RxJS based middleware for Redux. Compose and cancel async actions and more.
A Cross Platform (Android & iOS) ActionSheet with robust and flexible API, native performance, and zero dependency code for React Native. Forked version.
- bottom-animated
- react-native
- javascript
- actionsheet
- android
- ios
- action-sheet
- bottom-sheet
- bottom-drawer
- dialog
- picker
- modal
- drawer
- raw-bottom-sheet
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React + RxJS = <3
- action
- behavior
- concurrent
- es6
- events
- external
- hooks
- observables
- observe
- pipe
- react
- react18
- react19
- reactive
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Show console output like logs, errors, and warnings in the Storybook
- storybook-addons
- debug
- code
- storybook
- storybookjs
- storybook-addon
- addon
- console
- action
- logs
- output
- decorator
- warning
- warnings
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React native action sheet with native android
A simple library for uni-directional dataflow application architecture inspired by ReactJS Flux
Type-safe action creator utilities
Analyzes each PR's impact on your next.js app's bundle size and displays it using a comment
Fluent syntax for defining typesafe Redux reducers on top of typescript-fsa.
redux higher order reducer + action creator to reduce actions under a single subscriber notification
Type safe and validated Server Actions in your Next.js project.
- next
- nextjs
- react
- rsc
- react server components
- mutation
- action
- actions
- react actions
- next actions
- server actions
A simple library for uni-directional dataflow application architecture inspired by ReactJS Flux
Role and Attribute based Access Control for Node.js
An opinionated lib to create actions and reducers for Redux