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An angular 15.0+ bootstrap confirmation popover
Displays a bootstrap confirmation popover when clicking the given element.
An angular 5.0+ bootstrap confirmation popover
Simple confirmation modal
A singleton, global Angular service to programmatically show a confirmation box to capture an user's consent
- angular
- angular confirmation
- angular confirmation component
- angular confirmation ui
- angular confirmation service
- confirmation
- confirmation component
- confirmation service
- confirmation ui
A singleton, global Angular service to programmatically show a confirmation box to capture an user's consent
- angular
- angular confirmation
- angular confirmation component
- angular confirmation ui
- angular confirmation service
- confirmation
- confirmation component
- confirmation service
- confirmation ui
An angular 16.0+ bootstrap confirmation popover
Angular + PrimeNG confirmation dialog.
A reusable confirmation dialog and service
Yes/No, OK, Obsolete Confirmation Box for angular project
Very often when developers need to know if there were any changes inside the a form in order to present a unsaved changes confirmation dialog when navigating away or in order to disable the save button when there is nothing new to save. The `FormControlCh
A package of Essential JS 2 popup components such as Dialog and Tooltip that is used to display information or messages in separate pop-ups. for Angular
- angular
- ng
- ng-dialog
- angular-dialog
- ng-tooltip
- angular-tooltip
- ng-spinner
- angular-spinner
- ng-modal
- angular-modal
- ng-alert
- angular-alert
- ng-popup
- angular-popup
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Slide to confirm a good alternative to confirmation box.A customizable slider that will activate a callback when the user slides it to 100%.
Angular directive for simple href or ng-click confirmation before proceeding
Angular DevKit - Core Utility Library
Angular Schematics - Library
- Angular CLI
- Angular DevKit
- angular
- blueprints
- code generation
- devkit
- scaffolding
- schematics
- sdk
- template
- tooling
Angular preset for conventional-changelog.
Angular Build Facade
Schematics specific to Angular
AngularJS + Bootstrap tooltip + confirmation support