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Provides access to the standard interface that manages the editing and sending an email message
Shows the count of unread messages as a badge on the app icon.
- appplant
- badge
- shortcutbadger
- ecosystem:cordova
- cordova-ios
- cordova-osx
- cordova-android
- cordova-browser
- cordova-windows
Prints HTML documents
Prevent apps from going to sleep in background.
Shows the count of unread messages as a badge on the app icon.
- appplant
- badge
- shortcutbadger
- ecosystem:cordova
- cordova-ios
- cordova-osx
- cordova-android
- cordova-browser
- cordova-windows
Broadcasts UIApplicationDelegate events
- appplant
- UIApplicationDelegate
- didRegisterUserNotificationSettings
- didReceiveLocalNotification
- didFinishLaunchingWithOptions
- cordova
- ecosystem:cordova
Schedules and queries for local notifications
- appplant
- notification
- local notification
- user notification
- ecosystem:cordova
- cordova-ios
- cordova-android
- cordova-windows
Moodle's fork of Cordova Local Notifications Plugin
- appplant
- notification
- local notification
- user notification
- ecosystem:cordova
- cordova-ios
- cordova-android
- cordova-windows
Provides access to the standard interface that manages the editing and sending an email message
Schedules and queries for local notifications
- appplant
- notification
- local notification
- cordova
- ecosystem:cordova
- cordova-android
- cordova-ios
- cordova-windows
Schedules and queries for local notifications
- appplant
- notification
- local notification
- user notification
- ecosystem:cordova
- cordova-ios
- cordova-android
- cordova-windows
Prevent apps from going to sleep in background.
Shows the count of unread messages as a badge on the app icon.
- appplant
- badge
- shortcutbadger
- ecosystem:cordova
- cordova-ios
- cordova-osx
- cordova-android
- cordova-browser
- cordova-windows
Prevent apps from going to sleep in background. iOS fix.
Prevent apps from going to sleep in background.
Hides the statusbar and overlay
Cordova plugin to print HTML documents using AirPrint and Android Printing Framework.
Shows the count of unread messages as a badge on the app icon.
Prints HTML documents
Schedules and queries for local notifications