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186 packages found
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Sorts CSS declarations fast and automatically in a certain order.
A registry of TypeScript declaration file packages published within the @types scope.
Analyze the exported API for a TypeScript library and generate reviews, documentation, and .d.ts rollups
Zero-config rollup bundler
add some typescript type and re-export some build-in typescript type
- .d.ts
- @types
- declaration
- dev
- develop
- development
- environment
- ide
- interface
- node
- playground
- runtime
- ts
- type
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Sort CSS declarations in a certain order.
Fast and simple way to parse code context for use with documentation from code comments. Parses context from a single line of JavaScript, for functions, variable declarations, methods, prototype properties, prototype methods etc.
Type definitions for ol-ext
The logic of Typings
Add variable declarations for global assignments.
A TypeScript declaration file bundler.
Type definitions for Storyblok's rich-text
Safely declare a namespace using dot notation
Typings for HbbTV 1.5 (TS 102 796 V1.2.1)
esbuild plugin for compiling typescript declarations along with path aliases transformation.
PostCSS plugin that adds !important to style declarations safely
A (very) simple CLI tool that reads JSON files and creates .d.ts files with their keys/values explicitly defined
A Typescript type definition for NPM package json
- .d.ts
- @types
- declaration
- definition
- dev
- develop
- development
- dts
- environment
- ide
- interface
- json
- node
- package
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TypeScript definition testing library
Use the opacity property in older Internet Explorer