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Safely declare a namespace using dot notation
🐊Putout operator adds ability to declare referenced variables that was not defined
Safely declare namespaces and set their properties
Declare & install Babel plugins & transforms the easy way
PostCSS plugin to generate `.d.ts` of all used CSS classes and ids in imported stylesheets
A simple implementation of declare() to have Javascript (single and multiple) inheritance in a very elegant, close-to-metal way
dojo 1.7 based oop utils
automatically generate a claims file, mounted into vue global instance variables
Extract any definition from TS definitions file string
Browserify transform to declare undeclared module.exports variables
Stylelint config for formatting based on Idiomatic and mdo codeguide
PostCSS plugin generates `.d.ts` for all processed style sheets
Divide et impera. Organize declarative routes in an imperative way for trie, radix or prefix routers
Extract any definition from TS definitions file
Programmatically Generate Variable Declaration Code
从 javascript 字面量导出 typescript 类型
generate d.ts file from JSON file.
The minimalistic class and inheritance utility for javascript
Annotate functions with required properties, retrieved from this.
Declare expected entries in a JSON object