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679 packages found

Isomorphic client library for supporting long-running operations in node.js and browser.

published version 3.1.0, 6 months ago321 dependents licensed under $MIT

Core types for paging async iterable iterators

published version 1.6.2, a year ago340 dependents licensed under $MIT

OpenTelemetry instrumentation for `tedious` database client for Microsoft SQL Server

published version 0.18.1, 23 days ago14 dependents licensed under $Apache-2.0

Microsoft Application Insights module for Node.js

published version 3.6.0, 3 days ago388 dependents licensed under $MIT

Isomorphic client Runtime for Typescript/node.js/browser javascript client libraries generated using AutoRest

published version 2.7.0, 2 years ago534 dependents licensed under $MIT

Microsoft Application Insights Core Javascript SDK

published version 3.3.6, 10 days ago81 dependents licensed under $MIT

Microsoft Application Insights JavaScript SDK - Shim functions

published version 3.0.1, 2 years ago26 dependents licensed under $MIT

Microsoft Dynamic Proto Utility

published version 2.0.3, a year ago23 dependents licensed under $MIT

Client Runtime for Node.js Azure client libraries generated using AutoRest

published version 3.0.2, 3 years ago229 dependents licensed under $MIT

Router for Microsoft Power BI. Given an http method and url pattern call the matching handler with the request and response object. Syntax matches common libraries such as express and restify.

published version 0.1.5, 9 years ago3 dependents licensed under $MIT

Adaptive Cards Javascript library for HTML Clients

published version 3.0.5, 3 months ago73 dependents licensed under $MIT

Polyfill for IE/Node 8 for Symbol.asyncIterator

published version 1.0.2, 3 years ago14 dependents licensed under $MIT

Client Runtime for Node.js client libraries generated using AutoRest

published version 2.5.6, 3 years ago190 dependents licensed under $MIT

JavaScript library for embedding Power BI into your apps. Provides service which makes it easy to embed different types of components and an object model which allows easy interaction with these components such as changing pages, applying filters, and res

published version 2.23.1, a year ago67 dependents licensed under $MIT

Microsoft Cognitive Services Speech SDK for JavaScript

published version 1.42.0, 3 months ago116 dependents licensed under $MIT

Isomorphic Azure client runtime for Typescript/node.js/browser javascript client libraries generated using AutoRest

published version 2.1.0, 4 years ago59 dependents licensed under $MIT

Get the YouTube, Vimeo, Vine, VideoPress, TikTok, Microsoft Stream, Loom or Dailymotion video id from a url or embed string.

published version 4.1.7, 9 months ago65 dependents licensed under $MIT

Microsoft [Graph] authentication strategy for Passport.

published version 2.1.0, a year ago19 dependents

Adaptive Card data binding and templating engine for JavaScript

published version 2.3.1, 2 years ago40 dependents licensed under $MIT

React wrapper for powerbi-client library

published version 2.0.0, 2 months ago25 dependents licensed under $MIT