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React Native for Web
Lottie for React
scanner in web, phonebook in web, autofill otp in web, share web, TextToSpeech in web, Voice Recognition in web, live location tracking in web, detect my location web, wakelock in web, color picker, WhatsappShare, SnapScanner, NetworkMonitor, View360
- in web
- in javascript
- in react
- Plug & Play
- components
- web component
- frontend
- library
- react
- react components
- ui component
- ui library
- web
- advanced component
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Interactive react component for displaying javascript arrays and JSON objects.
- array-viewer
- base-16
- component
- interactive
- interactive-json
- json
- json-component
- json-display
- json-tree
- json-view
- json-viewer
- json-inspector
- react
- react-component
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Customizable Icons for React Native with support for NavBar/TabBar, image source and full styling.
- react-native
- react-component
- react-native-component
- react
- mobile
- ios
- android
- osx
- windows
- macos
- ui
- icon
- icons
- vector
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base abstract trigger component for react
A Select control built with and for ReactJS
React Color Picker
React tour Component
React way perf context selector
base abstract trigger component for react
Brand checking of React Elements.
One-time password input component for React.
A simple to use declarative react based data table
React MutateObserver Component
React Star Rate Component
React Form Component
React Portal Component
align ui component for react
An Infinite Scroll component in react.