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React Apollo Hooks, Components, and HOC.
React Component to lazy load images using a HOC to track window scroll position.
Feature flags for React made easy with hooks, HOC and Render Props
redux-saga HOC for Next.js
upload button component and asUploadButton HOC
React higher-order component (HOC) for ref forwarding
React defer render HOC
React HOC to set an element's tag and remove props
HOC-based Spatial Navigation (key navigation) solution for React
Simple React Promise tracker Hook/HOC helper to add loading spinner indicators
ReactTable HOC for draggable columns
A dead simple React Higher Order Component (HOC) that uses context for matching media queries
Hoc to easily map window sizes to props.
ReactTable HOC for draggable columns
HOC builder for Mousetrap
A HOC to make your React-Native components aware of their width and height
HOC to handle tooltip visibility
a hoc that portalizes components
HOC for React and React Native providing versions of setTimeout etc. that cancels when unmounted.
HOC for Blur (Unfocus) event handling of React component