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Shareable commitlint config used by Rocketseat
The base template for Create React App with Typescript boilerplate.
Out of the box Gatsby Theme for creating documentation websites easily and quickly.
Template para projetos em React Native, com Estrutura de Pastas customizada, Estilos Globais, ESLint + Prettier + Babel Plugin Root Import, React Navigation, Reactotron e Axios configurados.
The base template for Create React App with iClouds Sistemas Web boilerplate.
Out of the box Gatsby Theme for creating documentation websites easily and quickly.
Template para projetos em React Native, com Estrutura de Pastas customizada, Estilos Globais, ESLint + Prettier + Babel Plugin Root Import, React Navigation, Reactotron e Axios configurados.
Core theme for @rocketseat/gatsby-theme-docs with no additional theming or style opinions. Includes all of the data structures you need to get up and build a documentation website.
Template para projetos em React Native, com Estrutura de Pastas customizada, Estilos Globais, ESLint + Prettier + Babel Plugin Root Import, React Navigation, Redux, Redux Saga, Reactotron e Axios configurados.
Template para projetos em React Native, com Estrutura de Pastas customizada, Estilos Globais, ESLint + Prettier + Babel Plugin Root Import, React Navigation, Redux, Redux Saga, Reactotron e Axios configurados.
Template for projects made by the Rocketseats users.
Template para projetos em React, com Estrutura de Pastas customizada, Estilos Globais, ESLint + Prettier, React Router, Reactotron e Axios configurados.
Template para projetos em React Native, com Estrutura de Pastas customizada, Estilos Globais, ESLint + Prettier + Babel Plugin Root Import, React Navigation, Redux, Redux Saga, Reactotron e Axios configurados.
Template para projetos em React Native, com Estrutura de Pastas customizada, Estilos Globais, ESLint + Prettier + Babel Plugin Root Import, React Navigation, Redux, Redux Saga, Reactotron e Axios configurados.
Template para projetos em React Native, com Estrutura de Pastas customizada, Estilos Globais, ESLint + Prettier + Babel Plugin Root Import, React Navigation, Reactotron e Axios configurados.
Template para projetos em React Native, com Estrutura de Pastas customizada, Estilos Globais, ESLint + Prettier + Babel Plugin Root Import, React Navigation, Redux, Redux Saga, Reactotron e Axios configurados.
Command line toolbelt for PWA developers.
Fork of Core theme for @rocketseat/gatsby-theme-docs with no additional theming or style opinions. Includes all of the data structures you need to get up and build a documentation website.