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<h1 align="center">valaxy-theme-sakura</h1> <pre align="center"> 一个简单、个性化、可爱的动漫风格博客主题 Ciallo~(∠・ω< )⌒★ </pre>
Haxe Externals Definitions for Heidi API
vuepress plugin sakura
vuepress blog theme which name is sakura
a command line tool for develop web apps
佳格后端sakura orm脚手架
Haxe Externals Definitions for Heidi JS Module
vuepress plugin sakura for vuepress v2.x
a sakurairo blog theme base on vitepress
Pure CSS animation for sakura, rain, snow, firefly and butterfly effects, high performance without affecting SEO. 纯 CSS 动画实现樱花、雨、雪、萤火虫和蝴蝶飞舞背景效果,高性能且不影响 SEO
A unit of a data structure to build elegant trees or cherry blossoms
Utilities used in vqua
Sakura theme of VuePress
Use multiple videos, images, and weather as background, with mute, hide, text, and cherry blossom, rain, snow, firefly, and butterfly animations. 用多个视频、图片、天气作背景,支持静音、隐藏内容、文字,以及樱花、雨、雪、萤火虫和蝴蝶动画
- video-background
- video-wallpaper
- image-background
- image-wallpaper
- weather-background
- weather-wallpaper
- sakura
- rain
- snow
- firefly
- butterfly
<p align="center"> <img alt="type" src="" /> <a href="" target="_blank"><img alt="npm" src="https:/
A Component Library for Vue3.0 + ts