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Reliably communicate state changes to deeply nested React elements
Subscribe to changes in any part of redux state
Utility mixins for subscribing to and emitting events.
Channels implemented in Typescript using async/await
PubSub Messaging Pattern in Typescript
Minimalist Event Emitter
Publish/Subscribe UMD package
Observer pattern
- events-observer
- event-observer
- observer
- event
- events-emitter
- event-emitter
- emitter
- subscribe
- subscriber
- trigger
- on
- off
- once
A flexible, lightweight event subscriber & emitter
Reactive leases for data subscriptions
Websocket, EventSource & Long-Poll client wrapper for Nchan, a pub/sub server for the modern web.
该包提供了一种方便的方式,用于在 Cesium 场景中订阅事件。它允许您为指定的实体添加事件监听器,并在发生事件时触发回调函数。
A package with 2 types of signals, an small and simple event signal, and a reactive value-based signal called stores.
Revisions History for [TypeORM]( Entities
A Pub Sub system that uses AMQP Messaging to exchange data between services
Wrapper for KafkaJS library to be used with Strapi apps.
Publish–subscribe pattern implementation
Subscribe to messages at any Cloud Service. Receive messages only by registering a EventEmitter Listener. (AWS SQS, Azure ESQ, Google Tasks)
NodeJS dataverse Kafka Provider