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turf tesselate module
GLU tesselator ported to Javascript, performs polygon boolean operations and triangulation
GLU tesselator ported to Javascript, performs polygon boolean operations and triangulation
test whether a point is inside a triangle
triangulates a fontpath using poly2tri
- shape2d
- shape
- polygon
- contour
- poly2tri
- triangulate
- triangulation
- tesselate
- tesselation
- fontpath
- outline
- triangles
- tris
a library for subdividing voxels into triangles
Convert a mesh index for drawing wireframes
a simple quad utility for stackgl
Makes it easy to traverse triangles of three.js's Mesh, Group, BufferGeometry and Geometry object(s).
signed or unsigned distance function for triangles using r-tree and/or bvh and/or kd-tree
image manipulation experiment using delaunay triangles
randomly delaunay-triangulates an image
generate a triangle mesh from a distance function
generate random points and normals evenly distributed on a triangle mesh
get cross-sections of a 3d triangle mesh
draws a simplicial complex using Canvas2D context
slide a point along a wall / surface / triangle mesh [eg for games, slide camera along wall upon collision]
quickly convert a triangle mesh into a set of tetrahedra that occupy approximately the same volume as the original mesh
convert a textured 3d mesh [Wavefront .obj] into a list of colored triangles. eg, color the mesh with per-face or per-vertex colors that approximate the original texture
Utilities for generating and drawing triangles